17 of the coolest logos, which speak for themselves
Seventy million four hundred twelve thousand fifty five
Sometimes it seems, we already difficult to surprise. But despite this, the talented designers and marketers do not give up and still come up with something new and create masterpieces.
Site admire the inexhaustible creativity of these guys. Today we have selected 17 of the minimalist logos that are clear to everyone without words.
Library Gorky
Association of girl scouts
Shop treats for dogs
Opportunities for newborns in Africa
World festival of short films
Store alcoholic products "Wine forest"
Dog show
World wine festival
The social network "Musical cake"
Hair salon
Sushi bar
Literary award to female writers
Wine shop "Wine of the Jurassic period"
Studio web design "Good duck"
Coffee shop "coffee Magic"
See also
15 logos that need to look twice
30 clever logos
via www.adme.ru/tvorchestvo-dizajn/30-umnyh-logotipov-700760/
Sometimes it seems, we already difficult to surprise. But despite this, the talented designers and marketers do not give up and still come up with something new and create masterpieces.
Site admire the inexhaustible creativity of these guys. Today we have selected 17 of the minimalist logos that are clear to everyone without words.
Library Gorky
Association of girl scouts
Shop treats for dogs
Opportunities for newborns in Africa
World festival of short films
Store alcoholic products "Wine forest"
Dog show
World wine festival
The social network "Musical cake"
Hair salon
Sushi bar
Literary award to female writers
Wine shop "Wine of the Jurassic period"
Studio web design "Good duck"
Coffee shop "coffee Magic"
See also
15 logos that need to look twice
30 clever logos
via www.adme.ru/tvorchestvo-dizajn/30-umnyh-logotipov-700760/
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