Highlights logos 2010
Create the perfect logo - top design art. In several letters and small images need to convey the essence of the company, its soul and make it bright, unusual and so attracted the attention of the logo and memorable.
Choose from hundreds of thousands of logos, appeared in 2010, the best - a thankless task, and totally impossible. However, the editorial team will make every effort to collect the material in one the most interesting and indicative "brand image face».
In order to highlight the best editors looked all news about identity, appeared on the site this year, separately evaluating the results of the so-called re-branding. We analyzed the results of advertising festivals in which graphic design is evaluated separately. There should specify that Identity is very rarely honored in the creative competitions. We also reviewed the work published in 2010 in the archives of the most famous logos such as LogoLounge, LogoPond and Logo Of The Day.
The result of analysis, synthesis and selection and became this collection. It certainly can not show all of the best logos in 2010, but it can show the general trends and interesting phenomena in Identity.
The editors deliberately does not give a description and explanation of the logo, as firmly believe that a good logo and everything is clear.
Bob's House
Box Office
Circus Of Magazines
Dark Room
2010 Vancouver Dog Show
Epic Comments
Flies And Frogs
Full Time
Green Mood
Hot Lunch
House Of Cards
Imaginary Friend Pictures
Key People
Leaf Street
Bilbao International Library
Lion Bird
London Sperm Bank
Magic Custom Software
Natural Wine Company
Optimistic Beverages
Pink Flamingo Farm
Quickcook Delivery
Robert Boutin Art Glass
The Robin's Nest
Saporo Sushi
Say Cheeze
Snooty Peacock
Tahnee Freeman
Techie Talk
Best rebranding
Comedy Central
Seattle's Best Coffee
See also "The most noticeable change logos 2010»
Best Russian logos
Deneb (Imadesign) 17,180,720
Turquoise (PUNK YOU) 11,483,683
Archidea (Transformer) 11,836,813
Multilingua (Transformer) 20,659,848
Online Store Studio Sun (Paradox Box) 54,041,540
Kinotorgovaya company «Volga» (ONY) 69,327,748
Garden (Vitamin advertising group) 53,274,683
Also pay attention to the winners of the festival logo Wolda 2009 collection of logos, "the idea" and trends in logo design for 2010, announced LogoLounge.
via / kreativnyj-obzor / trendy-v-dizajne-logotipov-2010-142505 /
Choose from hundreds of thousands of logos, appeared in 2010, the best - a thankless task, and totally impossible. However, the editorial team will make every effort to collect the material in one the most interesting and indicative "brand image face».
In order to highlight the best editors looked all news about identity, appeared on the site this year, separately evaluating the results of the so-called re-branding. We analyzed the results of advertising festivals in which graphic design is evaluated separately. There should specify that Identity is very rarely honored in the creative competitions. We also reviewed the work published in 2010 in the archives of the most famous logos such as LogoLounge, LogoPond and Logo Of The Day.
The result of analysis, synthesis and selection and became this collection. It certainly can not show all of the best logos in 2010, but it can show the general trends and interesting phenomena in Identity.
The editors deliberately does not give a description and explanation of the logo, as firmly believe that a good logo and everything is clear.



Bob's House


Box Office

Circus Of Magazines


Dark Room

2010 Vancouver Dog Show


Epic Comments

Flies And Frogs

Full Time

Green Mood

Hot Lunch

House Of Cards

Imaginary Friend Pictures

Key People

Leaf Street

Bilbao International Library


Lion Bird

London Sperm Bank

Magic Custom Software


Natural Wine Company

Optimistic Beverages

Pink Flamingo Farm

Quickcook Delivery

Robert Boutin Art Glass

The Robin's Nest

Saporo Sushi

Say Cheeze

Snooty Peacock

Tahnee Freeman

Techie Talk



Best rebranding
Comedy Central




Seattle's Best Coffee



See also "The most noticeable change logos 2010»
Best Russian logos
Deneb (Imadesign) 17,180,720
Turquoise (PUNK YOU) 11,483,683

Archidea (Transformer) 11,836,813
Multilingua (Transformer) 20,659,848
Online Store Studio Sun (Paradox Box) 54,041,540
Kinotorgovaya company «Volga» (ONY) 69,327,748
Garden (Vitamin advertising group) 53,274,683
Also pay attention to the winners of the festival logo Wolda 2009 collection of logos, "the idea" and trends in logo design for 2010, announced LogoLounge.
via / kreativnyj-obzor / trendy-v-dizajne-logotipov-2010-142505 /