Glass installation Glass Wheat from Jean-Pierre Canlis

Endless blue sky with a swirly milky-white clouds on the horizon... Equally endless field of amber wheat, which occasionally disturbs the wind, running between spikes in one direction and then the other... If your heart nice these picturesque pastoral, you probably will appreciate a unique Wheat Glass installation created by American artist Jean-Pierre Sanlisoy (Jean-Pierre Canlis) from Seattle. This whole field of glass wheat that the author of "raised" their hands.
Jean-Pierre Canlis for many years working with glass in 1996, he founded his own company in Seattle Canlis Glass, which is famous for their amazing glass products, and exclusive masterpieces are handmade. This masterpiece was the glass wheat field Wheat Glass, a small, but unpretentious. The installation consists of 300 ears of corn where none are repeated, because each is made by hand.

Wheat field mounted on a special pallet, which is equipped with a backlight, therefore, Wheat Glass Installation can be used as decorative lighting. And because every ear is fixed on the pallet separately and is completely independent element of the installation, it allows to form the various compositions, and also to collect glass bouquets. Unlike artificial flowers, glass cones do not seem banal and simple decorations for interior, although the author claims that sought to portray "beauty in simplicity".

Source: /users/78