Pillow-bear Jusui-Kun will help you not to snore when you sleep

Of humorous folk — anecdotes — all have long known that the perfect couple is when the husband snores and the wife is deaf. Well, in every joke there is a joke, because many people are uncomfortable sleeping next to a partner who snores, even if you sleep separately, snoring behind the wall can still be extremely annoying. To overcome the problem, Dr. kabe from Waseda University (Japan) have developed an amazing pillow Jusui-Kun in the form of a large polar bear who is expected to help people not snore when you sleep.
The essence of the project is that a robotic pillow bear tracks and analyzes the dynamics and volume of snoring by using built-in microphones, and when the volume reaches a certain point, the system will result in movement of the bear's paw. Thus, sleeping next to you will not have to push the partner in the side, — all the work for him to do the bear Jusui-Kun. He will lightly tickle the violator of silence in the face, forcing him to change the position of the head or body that usually helps to stop snoring.

As a bonus, to a large white Teddy bear attached smaller. This robot is attached to the arm of a sleeping person and monitors his pulse and oxygen levels in the blood. It is expected that this will help prevent sleep apnea — a condition in which a person during sleep, temporarily stops breathing.
Source: /users/78