How to organize the wedding of the future mother
Norms of morality in society has changed, and now nobody will be surprised and will not judge you if lovers are in no hurry to tie the knot, and try to know each other, having lived in a civil marriage. Only when the heart of the girl brand new life, brings the fruit of love, they decide to become full-fledged family. But at this happy moment, many women begin to feel ashamed of his position, so as not to hear back, "There, puzyaka nose, some of it the bride?!". And for good reason. You can say anything you want, and to unite their destinies, not two, but three, you need beautiful, to remember this day for life. But now when preparing the wedding, you need to consider some points in fact to the expectant mother and bride-part-now need special treatment.
Wedding worries. Better if future wife will be as little as possible to deal with them. She can't get the extra hassle and exhaustion. Whatever the preferences and wishes of the bride, they better be considered in key relaxed wedding and the happy eyes of the young moms.
Time of the event. The first trimester of pregnancy many people believe the best time for weddings because the tummy is still not visible. In fact, it was during this period the bride-to-be can suffer morning sickness, severe headaches. Believe me, this does not give her a good mood. But the third trimester can deliver wedding discomfort – swelling, heaviness in the back can impair the health of the expectant mother.
Wedding dress. It needs to be comfortable and do not squeeze the movements of the bride. The most winning option – free wedding dress in Greek style with a high waist. You can focus on the chest area, because during pregnancy a woman's breast is filled with more beauty and femininity. Remember that simplicity is the main requirement for cutting dresses. Avoid big bows, brooches, large bouquet. Wedding jewelry also should not Shine large elements. Let it be something subtle, elegant and not slutty. Around the image of the bride, who is preparing to become a mother, needs to be modesty and tenderness.
If you believe the superstition that the color white and the veil are symbols of the innocence of the couple, you can in plenty to dream up with colors and shades of your outfit and designs of wreaths, crowns, tiaras. By the way, actually, the veil is a protection from the evil eye, a symbol of marriage and obedience to her husband.
Shoes pregnant bride must be too comfortable. Avoid high heels in favor of sustainable, soft and not tight shoes.
If the wedding falls on a cold season, the best option is long dresses to the floor. A long skirt will not be seen any warm clothes, no warm shoes, not to give up. The most important thing for a new family now – not so much the beauty and subtlety, how much health and comfort of the little man.
The master of ceremonies and decorations. Better to warn the host about the status of the bride and ask her to draw up a programme of events to avoid too much competitions for the newlyweds. The wedding bouquet must be composed of flowers with no smell (the same applies to the dishes on the table young) that the bride was not bad.
And the main advice – do not try to make their wedding a celebration for someone, enjoy each other and the wonderful position in which you now reside. Remember that this is your "pregnant" marriage is the first step in a happy real family, where very soon you will have three.
Source: /users/104
Wedding worries. Better if future wife will be as little as possible to deal with them. She can't get the extra hassle and exhaustion. Whatever the preferences and wishes of the bride, they better be considered in key relaxed wedding and the happy eyes of the young moms.

Time of the event. The first trimester of pregnancy many people believe the best time for weddings because the tummy is still not visible. In fact, it was during this period the bride-to-be can suffer morning sickness, severe headaches. Believe me, this does not give her a good mood. But the third trimester can deliver wedding discomfort – swelling, heaviness in the back can impair the health of the expectant mother.
Wedding dress. It needs to be comfortable and do not squeeze the movements of the bride. The most winning option – free wedding dress in Greek style with a high waist. You can focus on the chest area, because during pregnancy a woman's breast is filled with more beauty and femininity. Remember that simplicity is the main requirement for cutting dresses. Avoid big bows, brooches, large bouquet. Wedding jewelry also should not Shine large elements. Let it be something subtle, elegant and not slutty. Around the image of the bride, who is preparing to become a mother, needs to be modesty and tenderness.

If you believe the superstition that the color white and the veil are symbols of the innocence of the couple, you can in plenty to dream up with colors and shades of your outfit and designs of wreaths, crowns, tiaras. By the way, actually, the veil is a protection from the evil eye, a symbol of marriage and obedience to her husband.
Shoes pregnant bride must be too comfortable. Avoid high heels in favor of sustainable, soft and not tight shoes.
If the wedding falls on a cold season, the best option is long dresses to the floor. A long skirt will not be seen any warm clothes, no warm shoes, not to give up. The most important thing for a new family now – not so much the beauty and subtlety, how much health and comfort of the little man.
The master of ceremonies and decorations. Better to warn the host about the status of the bride and ask her to draw up a programme of events to avoid too much competitions for the newlyweds. The wedding bouquet must be composed of flowers with no smell (the same applies to the dishes on the table young) that the bride was not bad.
And the main advice – do not try to make their wedding a celebration for someone, enjoy each other and the wonderful position in which you now reside. Remember that this is your "pregnant" marriage is the first step in a happy real family, where very soon you will have three.

Source: /users/104