The original Yin Yang bathroom Bathtube from the company Trautwein
Two million twenty one thousand four hundred eighty two
Sleep and Wake together, return home together to go to the store and on walks together, and even have a bath together — I wish the newly made couples, newlyweds or longtime spouses, only just reconciled after a major argument. And if the first items of the above list of difficulties should not be, a joint bathing can cause problems. One cramped, others too narrow, whether the case design Yin Yang bathroom Bathtube from the company Trautwein, designed for relaxation and pleasant water treatment for two!
Eighty one million three hundred three thousand five hundred forty five
Together, but separately as two parts of one whole, like Yin and Yang — not only design, it's a tricky maneuver that will appreciate the practical and enterprising people. Dividing the bathroom into two parts, the designers not only help to observe hygiene, but also to save on water: if the tub only takes one person, there is no need to fill in both halves. When both halves of the tubs are occupied, on the General side you can attach a mini table in the form of black-and-white symbol of Yin and Yang, putting on his champagne, wine, fruit and other romantic attributes of the intimate procedure, a joint bathing.
Thirty million five hundred seventy two thousand three hundred fifty seven
Colors provide the built into the sides of the LEDs that can change color as ordered, and randomly, depending on the selected mode. Along with color therapy, the bathtub can be configured to sound therapy. In addition to the LEDs, to the walls of miracle-tub is built-in and miniature waterproof speakers, so if you turn the music on, the water will subtly vibrate, transmitting sound waves every cell of the body, thereby providing it with a unique musical massage.
Source: /users/276
Sleep and Wake together, return home together to go to the store and on walks together, and even have a bath together — I wish the newly made couples, newlyweds or longtime spouses, only just reconciled after a major argument. And if the first items of the above list of difficulties should not be, a joint bathing can cause problems. One cramped, others too narrow, whether the case design Yin Yang bathroom Bathtube from the company Trautwein, designed for relaxation and pleasant water treatment for two!
Eighty one million three hundred three thousand five hundred forty five
Together, but separately as two parts of one whole, like Yin and Yang — not only design, it's a tricky maneuver that will appreciate the practical and enterprising people. Dividing the bathroom into two parts, the designers not only help to observe hygiene, but also to save on water: if the tub only takes one person, there is no need to fill in both halves. When both halves of the tubs are occupied, on the General side you can attach a mini table in the form of black-and-white symbol of Yin and Yang, putting on his champagne, wine, fruit and other romantic attributes of the intimate procedure, a joint bathing.
Thirty million five hundred seventy two thousand three hundred fifty seven
Colors provide the built into the sides of the LEDs that can change color as ordered, and randomly, depending on the selected mode. Along with color therapy, the bathtub can be configured to sound therapy. In addition to the LEDs, to the walls of miracle-tub is built-in and miniature waterproof speakers, so if you turn the music on, the water will subtly vibrate, transmitting sound waves every cell of the body, thereby providing it with a unique musical massage.
Source: /users/276