Why second marriage is the happiest marriage?
You've been through a divorce? Don't worry about it! According to scientists, the second marriage is always much better than the previous!
Every girl in this world, wearing the wedding dress, thinks this wedding is the first and last in her life. But canonical, "and they lived happily ever after" often there is a divorce and new attempts to make a family.
According to psychologist Michael Mantell from the UK, a bad experience the first marriage makes a woman more wise and selective in relations. What's more, it gives food for thought, helps not to make such mistakes and often to compromise.
Divorced women daring to marry a second time, trying to get to know your partner and look at him through rose-colored glasses. Of course, this rule is not suitable for all the girls: many refuse to make "mistakes" and step on the same rake again and again.
So get married or married again and be happy!
Source: /users/559
Every girl in this world, wearing the wedding dress, thinks this wedding is the first and last in her life. But canonical, "and they lived happily ever after" often there is a divorce and new attempts to make a family.
According to psychologist Michael Mantell from the UK, a bad experience the first marriage makes a woman more wise and selective in relations. What's more, it gives food for thought, helps not to make such mistakes and often to compromise.

Divorced women daring to marry a second time, trying to get to know your partner and look at him through rose-colored glasses. Of course, this rule is not suitable for all the girls: many refuse to make "mistakes" and step on the same rake again and again.
So get married or married again and be happy!

Source: /users/559