How music affects Your child?
Since ancient times there is a tradition to sing the child a lullaby. Calm song or melody will calm the child and he falls asleep much faster and stronger. But, unfortunately, modern parents do not have that much time, effort and desire to sing the baby a lullaby. This problem quickly and easily solved by modern technology. Now there are many discs and tapes with music made specifically for children. There are whole collections of music, depending on the child's age, gender and even zodiac sign. Need to buy this kind of license collections. Music out there professionally pick up and You won't have to worry about your baby.
If You want to teach a child to great, that is him to include masterpieces by famous composers, here caution is needed. This music is quite emotional and expressive. It can cause the child's anxiety and irritation.
Also there are a few rules that must be followed all the parents without exception. Music baby hears, should be quite quiet. As the child's hearing is very good and sharp. Sudden or loud noises make him anxious. If to speak about of time listening to music, it is better to do it in the morning when the baby wakes up and starts his day, and the evening before bedtime.
Source: /users/413

If You want to teach a child to great, that is him to include masterpieces by famous composers, here caution is needed. This music is quite emotional and expressive. It can cause the child's anxiety and irritation.

Also there are a few rules that must be followed all the parents without exception. Music baby hears, should be quite quiet. As the child's hearing is very good and sharp. Sudden or loud noises make him anxious. If to speak about of time listening to music, it is better to do it in the morning when the baby wakes up and starts his day, and the evening before bedtime.

Source: /users/413