Lifesaver: a small device that could save millions of lives
Lifesaver is a unique and relatively inexpensive device that, thanks to the powerful cleaning system, capable of producing up to 19 liters of water for a few hours. This arrangement will not only become your faithful companion in any journey, but also help to solve the problem of lack of drinking water around the world.Lifesaver is a unique and relatively inexpensive device that, thanks to the powerful cleaning system, capable of producing up to 19 liters of water for a few hours. This arrangement will not only become your faithful companion in any journey, but also help to solve the problem of lack of drinking water around the world.
Pages Ecobyt.ru already managed to light up like a device that can clean the liquid of any level of contamination. But portable SollarBall could produce only 3-3,5 liters of water per day. Device Lifesaver extremely primitive, from the point of view of technological approach. Canister modified system modified carbon filters. Passing through them a fluid loses as stated in their reports developers 99,999995% of bacteria and viruses and is cleaned of heavy metals, harmful chemicals and pesticides.
Despite the utopian statements of designers, the field trials Lifesaver showed brilliant results and the data of independent studies taken fluid confirms the announced results.
Resource unique canister designed for the Strait of 20 thousand liters, after which it is only necessary to replace the filter for later use.
Canister is envisioned as a ambulance in countries where drinking water is scarce. Thanks to the high performance and ease of use, the Lifesaver will once and for all to close this question. To date, several batches of devices were sent as humanitarian aid in remote villages of Sierra Leone, Malaysia and the Republic of Haiti.
Development plans more extensive use of filters. They suggest that with adequate financing in third world countries it will be possible to begin the mounting of the water system, with a complex tangle of pumps and coal "membranes."
Source: /users/78