The health of our vision will be to follow the microscopic robots
Like any part of our body the retina needs oxygen. If oxygen is not enough for her, and therefore not enough blood is supplied, blindness is almost secured. If the doctors can know that the retina receives little oxygen in the early stage, there are high chances that the necessary measures will take time and a person can preserve vision.
Professor Bradley Nelson and a team of scientists from the Swiss higher technical school of Zurich (ETH) presented microscopic robots that in addition to monitoring of the situation will be able to deliver in pathogenic places need of medications and moreover, even to remove eye scar tissue. These tiny devices, a length of one millimeter and a thickness of only one-third of a millimeter, can be directed through the channels of the vitreous body through the use of an external source of the magnetic field.
Robots started to work as sensors of oxygen levels, the researchers coated them with a special shell, which was developed at the Spanish University of Granada. It has the property of fluorescence when exposed to certain wavelengths of light. The faster is the effect of fluorescence, the closer is the robot (or rather, its shell) to the site with the necessary amount of oxygen. Long effect says the opposite of that of oxygen in a given place is not enough.
Source: /users/413

Professor Bradley Nelson and a team of scientists from the Swiss higher technical school of Zurich (ETH) presented microscopic robots that in addition to monitoring of the situation will be able to deliver in pathogenic places need of medications and moreover, even to remove eye scar tissue. These tiny devices, a length of one millimeter and a thickness of only one-third of a millimeter, can be directed through the channels of the vitreous body through the use of an external source of the magnetic field.

Robots started to work as sensors of oxygen levels, the researchers coated them with a special shell, which was developed at the Spanish University of Granada. It has the property of fluorescence when exposed to certain wavelengths of light. The faster is the effect of fluorescence, the closer is the robot (or rather, its shell) to the site with the necessary amount of oxygen. Long effect says the opposite of that of oxygen in a given place is not enough.
Source: /users/413