Whether to include lime in your diet?
The high content of vitamin C will help the body to cope with SARS and influenza. With regular use of lime povesitsya immunity of the body and You will prevent diseases of the respiratory system. If you include the lime in the diet, there was a significant uluchshaetsya the digestive process. Pulp and lime juice when injected into the gastrointestinal tract work the same way as natural enzymes. It will help in the formulation of digestive juices and bile.
A delightful citrus flavor of the fruit prepares the body for food intake, helping to increase salivation and secretion of digestive juices. In Lima there are flavonoids (powerful antioxidants). They will help in the treatment of ulcers of the stomach and duodenum.Flavonoids also have antibiotic properties and help to preserve vision and to protect our eyes from various infections. The flavonoids contained in green peel of the lime will also help in the prevention of cancer. Some flavonoids can stop cell division in many varieties of cancer. Using lime juice can significantly reduce your weight and be always in great shape.
To do this, mix the lime juice with warm water and drink twice a day. Warm mixture is citric acid and plenty of antioxidants. They speed up metabolism and promote rapid fat burning. The thus prepared beverage contains a minimum of calories, very fragrant and pleasant to taste. With constant use, you will feel the results already after 7-10 days.
Source: /users/559

A delightful citrus flavor of the fruit prepares the body for food intake, helping to increase salivation and secretion of digestive juices. In Lima there are flavonoids (powerful antioxidants). They will help in the treatment of ulcers of the stomach and duodenum.Flavonoids also have antibiotic properties and help to preserve vision and to protect our eyes from various infections. The flavonoids contained in green peel of the lime will also help in the prevention of cancer. Some flavonoids can stop cell division in many varieties of cancer. Using lime juice can significantly reduce your weight and be always in great shape.

To do this, mix the lime juice with warm water and drink twice a day. Warm mixture is citric acid and plenty of antioxidants. They speed up metabolism and promote rapid fat burning. The thus prepared beverage contains a minimum of calories, very fragrant and pleasant to taste. With constant use, you will feel the results already after 7-10 days.
Source: /users/559
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