New protective frame eliminates the need to use gypsum in fractures
A broken bone after a bad fall or impact is not very pleasant event that can happen with absolutely any person, even if by nature it is quite neat. But the fact of the fracture is not the worst thing that can happen in such a situation. Yes, it will hurt badly (who already broke, who knows), but the most irritable in the end is that throughout the month, and then several people after getting a cast or splints simply cannot function with a broken limb. About washing too, can be forgotten, at least in the pool you just swim. But soon with the technology of 3D printing may receive alternative.
Jake Evill, a graduate of Victoria University (Wellington), New Zealand, made using a 3D printer, a new type of gypsum, or lightweight and durable protective frame, which can be applied at fracture, for example, hands. The design of each individual protective frame in this case is chosen individually for each person and depend on the severity of the injury. The advantage of this frame is that it will protect only the area of injury, where necessary, leaving open other areas that don't need fixing. Positives: design is lightweight and durable, allows you to wash and the skin "breathes".
Source: /users/413
Jake Evill, a graduate of Victoria University (Wellington), New Zealand, made using a 3D printer, a new type of gypsum, or lightweight and durable protective frame, which can be applied at fracture, for example, hands. The design of each individual protective frame in this case is chosen individually for each person and depend on the severity of the injury. The advantage of this frame is that it will protect only the area of injury, where necessary, leaving open other areas that don't need fixing. Positives: design is lightweight and durable, allows you to wash and the skin "breathes".
Source: /users/413