What to do if you throw out artificial flowers
For the first time I got acquainted with plaster decor in Paris. There, on one of the shelves of small cozy shops in Rivoli, I saw a lot of beauty: from cute trinkets to works of art. But my eyes caught on the delightful plasterboard In the form of a flower and stunning candlesticks in the form of flowering roses.
My modest budget gave me the opportunity to fork out only one such plaster rose. And five months later, when my husband and I were buying materials for repairing the ceiling in the living room, I saw a cast in one of the departments of the store. And then the idea hit me!
Decor from plaster and why not create yourself such plaster-flowers. I will not keep intrigue and tormented by the expectation of a magic recipe - the method is simple to ugliness. For the base, dry or artificial flowers are needed, which must be dipped in a plaster solution, and then dried. The process is a little laborious, but the result will definitely please you.
Due to the fact that gypsum is an environmentally friendly and absolutely harmless material for humans, in which there is not the slightest toxicity, even a child can cope with such work. For example, my daughter Maria is now very fond of this kind of needlework.
Editorial "Site" I have prepared for you 11 wonderful flower-decoration cast. Nice and simple!
We also prepared a simple master class on the manufacture of an unusually beautiful candlestick in the form of a flower.
You'll need it.
And here is another simply delightful idea for you in the piggy bank: how to create jewelry from impressions of plants on clay. When you learn the technology, you will realize that making such beauty is much easier than it seems at first glance!
You can see what can come out of old or just low-quality artificial flowers. Plaster is a truly magical thing. Everything we do with it is very elegant. Sins are even welcome. This is aristocratic and creative negligence.
Unusual plaster decor It looks quite spectacular and can be safely used as a background for beautiful photos, for example, those that you put up on Instagram.
Share your inspiration with your friends on the social network, perhaps one of them will want to make such beauty for you as a gift.
My modest budget gave me the opportunity to fork out only one such plaster rose. And five months later, when my husband and I were buying materials for repairing the ceiling in the living room, I saw a cast in one of the departments of the store. And then the idea hit me!
Decor from plaster and why not create yourself such plaster-flowers. I will not keep intrigue and tormented by the expectation of a magic recipe - the method is simple to ugliness. For the base, dry or artificial flowers are needed, which must be dipped in a plaster solution, and then dried. The process is a little laborious, but the result will definitely please you.
Due to the fact that gypsum is an environmentally friendly and absolutely harmless material for humans, in which there is not the slightest toxicity, even a child can cope with such work. For example, my daughter Maria is now very fond of this kind of needlework.
Editorial "Site" I have prepared for you 11 wonderful flower-decoration cast. Nice and simple!
- It is worth noting that the less plaster you use, the more natural and beautiful the product will look. And even when preparing flowers, pay attention to the shape and edges of the petals of the future plaster decor.
- As you can see, you can use absolutely any varieties of flowers and even inflorescences. And you can also drop plastic fruits into the solution with gypsum. If desired, they can then be painted in gold.
- And here's the whole composition.
- As you already understand, there is nothing complicated in the process of making such a decor. Look at how exquisite it looks!
- The same procedure can be done with artificial leaves.
- Wow! I really like it.
- And this decor can be decorated, for example, fireplace.
- If you do not like the resulting type of flower, you can decorate it with colors, then let the cast dry, and then cut with varnish. I really like to use a mixture of gold and pink paint.
- A very good example of decor frames for photos with flowers from plaster.
- Just look at how vivid and natural these leaves look. I think I should try to make something similar.
- After the decor is ready, you can paint it with gold or any other paint depending on your preferences.
We also prepared a simple master class on the manufacture of an unusually beautiful candlestick in the form of a flower.

You'll need it.
- plaster
- flower
- pliers
- glue-gun
- tea-candle

- You'll need different plastic flowers. One condition is that the flowers must be clean.
- Your chosen flower for future decor should be taken apart. Namely: pull out a core and a stalk from it, and then sew or glue the base so that the flower does not break up.
- Now we move on to the preparation of gypsum solution. To do this, mix 1 cup of water with 3 cups of gypsum so that the result is a solution that resembles sour cream in consistency. Pay attention: gypsum is poured into the water, not vice versa. And do not forget that you need to constantly stir the solution, and generally work quickly. The plaster catches almost instantly. But that's the only inconvenience. You just need a knack.
After preparing the solution, drop a flower into it. Then dry it and repeat the procedure two more times. - When the plaster flower is fully ready, insert a candle into it. This is what your new candlestick will look like. In my opinion, just charming!
And here is another simply delightful idea for you in the piggy bank: how to create jewelry from impressions of plants on clay. When you learn the technology, you will realize that making such beauty is much easier than it seems at first glance!
You can see what can come out of old or just low-quality artificial flowers. Plaster is a truly magical thing. Everything we do with it is very elegant. Sins are even welcome. This is aristocratic and creative negligence.
Unusual plaster decor It looks quite spectacular and can be safely used as a background for beautiful photos, for example, those that you put up on Instagram.
Share your inspiration with your friends on the social network, perhaps one of them will want to make such beauty for you as a gift.
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