How to do a hair glaze at home?
Glazing can be combined with staining. Note that you can paint or tint the hair should be approximately 5-6 days prior to coating with glaze.
For icing you will need a few cosmetics. First is applied to soften the mask. You can buy a ready composition, but if desired, it is easy to do with their hands. 1/2 Cup olive oil mix with 2 tsp oil extract vitamin A or B. Add 3 tablespoons of the swollen gelatin. Mix and spread onto the strands with a comb with rare teeth.
Need to buy professional shampoo with a neutral ph level. Often, this shampoo include a set of tools for home glazing. He will prepare the curl to the action of therapeutic drugs and remove the remnants of sebum and styling cosmetics. Apply a little shampoo on the roots of the hair well and massage the scalp. Rinse the foam jet tebeau water and blot the hair with a towel.
You must also purchase a composition based on liquid ceramides and simply apply it on your hair like an ordinary mask. Wrap the head with plastic or wear a shower cap. After half an hour rinse the hair with cool water.
Source: /users/559
For icing you will need a few cosmetics. First is applied to soften the mask. You can buy a ready composition, but if desired, it is easy to do with their hands. 1/2 Cup olive oil mix with 2 tsp oil extract vitamin A or B. Add 3 tablespoons of the swollen gelatin. Mix and spread onto the strands with a comb with rare teeth.

Need to buy professional shampoo with a neutral ph level. Often, this shampoo include a set of tools for home glazing. He will prepare the curl to the action of therapeutic drugs and remove the remnants of sebum and styling cosmetics. Apply a little shampoo on the roots of the hair well and massage the scalp. Rinse the foam jet tebeau water and blot the hair with a towel.

You must also purchase a composition based on liquid ceramides and simply apply it on your hair like an ordinary mask. Wrap the head with plastic or wear a shower cap. After half an hour rinse the hair with cool water.
Source: /users/559