How useful is the pear for our body?
A ripe pear is quite useful for relieving psychological stress, alignment, blood pressure, as a mild diuretic. Ate a few pears in half an hour after Breakfast, full day to forget about heartburn.
Diabetes pear included in the list of allowed foods. For half an hour before meals is recommended to drink half a glass of fresh pear juice. Due to the high content of folic acid in the fruit will be useful for the expectant mother and the person who is prone to anemia.
Clearly show themselves the useful properties of pears as an antiseptic. Frequent bronchitis and minor forms of tubes. infection a remarkable result gives the daily consumption of baked or boiled pears as an adjuvant.
We must not forget that the pear — one of the great fruits that are recommended by doctors-nutritionists for the discharge of the day. Well you can clean the body from accumulated toxins, if the whole day should only eat fresh pears. During unloading, the normal eaten fruit is 1.5 – 2 kg. to arrange fasting day once in four days. The result: cleansed the body, weight loss, and better appearance.
Source: /users/559

Diabetes pear included in the list of allowed foods. For half an hour before meals is recommended to drink half a glass of fresh pear juice. Due to the high content of folic acid in the fruit will be useful for the expectant mother and the person who is prone to anemia.

Clearly show themselves the useful properties of pears as an antiseptic. Frequent bronchitis and minor forms of tubes. infection a remarkable result gives the daily consumption of baked or boiled pears as an adjuvant.

We must not forget that the pear — one of the great fruits that are recommended by doctors-nutritionists for the discharge of the day. Well you can clean the body from accumulated toxins, if the whole day should only eat fresh pears. During unloading, the normal eaten fruit is 1.5 – 2 kg. to arrange fasting day once in four days. The result: cleansed the body, weight loss, and better appearance.
Source: /users/559