Near Kharkov appears the village of the future, which will warm the sun and the wind
Near Kharkov in a short time you will probably see the village of the future in which there will be electrical energy from wind and sun. The Institute for sustainable development henna them. Karazin, last 3 months they have perfected the project of modernization of Fun village (Kharkov region). And with a huge wind potential and competent application from local residents, who have long been dreaming about improvements, Merry was selected from ten villages of applicants from around the region.
As reported by a peace Corps volunteer Evan Hughes, who heads the Kharkiv design, energy efficient village is popular in Poland, Germany and France. Like, using innovation, local communities can save on energy supply and 70% of all local budget expenditures, without losing the opportunity to develop their village with the remaining money. "In winter, the lowest temperatures, we will conduct an energy audit, the result of which will indicate the status of the energy and the amount of consumed energy. Identify the most problematic items Fun that will transfer to alternative energy is mandatory. According to assumptions it will be the school, library and clinic.", — promises the Deputy Director of the Institute for sustainable development Vitaly Salenko.
Source: /users/413

As reported by a peace Corps volunteer Evan Hughes, who heads the Kharkiv design, energy efficient village is popular in Poland, Germany and France. Like, using innovation, local communities can save on energy supply and 70% of all local budget expenditures, without losing the opportunity to develop their village with the remaining money. "In winter, the lowest temperatures, we will conduct an energy audit, the result of which will indicate the status of the energy and the amount of consumed energy. Identify the most problematic items Fun that will transfer to alternative energy is mandatory. According to assumptions it will be the school, library and clinic.", — promises the Deputy Director of the Institute for sustainable development Vitaly Salenko.

Source: /users/413