The art of dance through the eyes of legends fotoiskusstva Willy Rizzo
One of the works of the famous photodocumentary Willy Rizzo. Photographer and designer, the venerable photodocumentary and a real connoisseur Willy Rizzo (Willy Rizzo) have lived a long and full life. He was acquainted with many famous actors and artists, who subsequently became heroes of his portraits are amazingly talented. He covered the fighting in North Africa, he made the Nuremberg trials...
The photographer has lived a long and full life of 84 years. Rizzo was born in 1928 in Naples. 30 years of Willy emigrated with his mother to France, where he first manifested his passion for photography. Twelve-year-old teenager, he repeatedly photographed classmates — students of the Italian school in Paris. 1944 was marked by Rizzo with two significant events: it was then that he bought his first camera's a roliflex on the black market and met with the then unknown photographer, Gaston Paris (Gaston Paris), which instantly became his idol.
A child little Rizzo took dance classes, and seems to have been able to understand this art from the inside. Second passion of Rizzo after photos was, perhaps, the art of dance. He is the apt remark: "Photographing dancers is like hunting – you need to be quick." To catch the moment, to allow the viewer to feel the stress of the dancers and the beauty of motion in each individual picture, one of the hardest tasks for a photographer.
Pictures famous Willy Rizzo. Perhaps the defining moment was that in childhood the little Rizzo took dance classes, and seems to have been able to understand this art from the inside. The energy and compositional clarity, style and movement in his works.
Second passion of Rizzo after photos was, perhaps, the art of dance. Willy Rizzo is the author of an amusing photo shoot with celebrities "Funny faces". The project was born almost by accident: once, photographing Catherine Deneuve, Rizzo drew attention to the unusually rich facial expressions of the actress. When the shooting comes to an end, the photographer asked her to scorch funny face, continuing to shoot. Later in the project took part Sophia Loren, Jane Fonda, Marie Laforêt and many other celebrities.
Source: avivas.ru/topic/iskusstvo_tanca_ot_znamenitogo_fotodokumentalista_villi_ricco.html
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