Rapid weight loss—caldereta diet
Ninety six million ninety five thousand eleven
For anybody not a secret that celery is very rich in magnesium, phosphorus, zinc and many other useful component for the human body. In addition, celery is one of the most effective fighter against excess weight. If this miracle vegetable seriously wondering offer You to familiarize with sendereihe diet, the duration of which will be for two weeks.
The most popular dishes celery is a soup that with a very low calorie is hearty and healthy.
Recipe No. 1
For the preparation of the first version of the cabbage soup you will need:
— celeriac (200-250 g);
– small head of cabbage (600-700 g);
— carrots (approximately 600 g.);
green beans (approximately 450 g.);
— 5-6 small onions;
— green peppers (2-3 PCs.);
— tomatoes (5 pieces);
– tomato juice (1.5 l);
– spices and herbs to taste.
Before you start cooking you need to cut all the components, then add well-chopped celery, and pour all the tomato juice (vegetables should beat is completely filled with juice, if it is a bit short, you can add water). The finished mixture should boil over high heat and boil for 15 minutes, then tightly closed lid, boil for 10 minutes on low heat.
Seventy six million three hundred sixty two thousand six hundred fifty
Recipe No. 2
The second option is sendereihe diet is a faster but equally delicious and effective. You will need:
– 3 l water;
— celery (can be used as stems and greens);
— cabbage (approximately 600 g.);
— 5-6 small onions;
— 2-3 large tomatoes;
— one large bell pepper;
— spices to taste.
For cooking you need to chop all the ingredients, then Bay of water, bring to boil and simmer soup 15 minutes.
Menu subject to sendereihe diet
Day 1: soup + fruits (except grapes and bananas).
Day 2: soup + vegetables (raw).
Day 3: soup + vegetables + potatoes in their skins (for dinner).
Day 4: soup + yogurt (1 liter) + bananas (3 pieces).
Day 5: soup + boiled beef (lean fish or chicken) no more than 700 g. + 6 tomatoes.
Day 6: soup + vegetables + boiled beef or chicken (350 g.).
Day 7: soup + vegetables + boiled rice (preferably brown).
The second week is similar.
Important: every day should drink at least eight glasses of liquids (without sugar), constraints about the soup there.
Caldereta diet is quite hard, since its observance is strictly forbidden to eat sweet, baked, marinated, carbonation of beverages and alcohol.
We are confident that this diet will help You to achieve the desired result.
Source: dieta-dieta.ru