The treatment of seborrhea proper healthy diet

Treatment of seborrhea is a large difficulty due to the fact that the disease is prone to regular relapses. And here it should be noted that in the spring of the manifestation of seborrhea increasing slightly, while in winter the disease are prone to a short remission. The mechanism of permanent recurrent seborrhea is very complicated. Chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract has long been excluded from the main causes of recurrence of seborrhea, but unbalanced and "wrong" food really affect the course of this disease. The main cause of relapses of seborrhea can be considered an innate predisposition to disorders of the sebaceous glands. And if the problem is with the gastro-intestinal tract although difficult, but it is really effective to cure it congenital anomalies of the sebaceous glands unsolvable problem.

Here, however, does not mean that the seborrhea is incurable. Remission can be achieved with adequate treatment when observed by the attending physician. However, some researchers believe that monitoring the progress of treatment one doctor's lack of action. Therefore, the treatment of seborrhea should be dealt with not only the dermatologist, and the gastroenterologist and, if possible, trichologist. The treatment of seborrhea should be aimed at eliminating the breeding of pathogenic flora. Initially used local drugs effect. To refer to such drugs, clotrimazole or elidel. Although it should be noted that the most severe effect, in terms of the treatment of seborrhea, gives a treatment regimen of using the month of clotrimazole, then a month elidel. The ineffectiveness of local therapy are used and systemic antibiotic therapy, or therapy affecting the immune system, are more aggressive and have a greater number of side effects. In addition to primary medication treatment, patients are advised to help the 'main' treatment with lifestyle changes and habits. Do not use ordinary shampoos, and shampoos with ketoconazole, contributes to the resolution of the rash and dandruff on the face and the hair of the head. Diet and nutrition in turn helps to reduce the manifestations of seborrhea and related pathology, referred to as seborrheic dermatitis. The role of exercise and strength training in the treatment of seborrhea is not proven, but they are superfluous, certainly, will not be, given the fact that exercise is beneficial to the digestive tract as a whole. This is achieved by a rush of blood to the organs of digestion. The prognosis for seborrhea conditionally favorable. Pathology does not affect the condition of organs and systems of the body as a whole, however, creates significant psychological discomfort to the patient and the fear out.
Source: natural-medicine.ru