In Russia will be engaged in eco-driving
The pilot regions of the project will be Kazan and Kaliningrad – it is here for the first time will begin to teach the eco-driving drivers. Environmentally responsible way of driving Podrazumevana a reduction in fuel consumption and emissions of carbon dioxide (on average, 5-20%), reduction of accidents to 40%, reduction of maintenance costs of vehicles, and improved understanding among participants of traffic.
A positive example is the experience of Austria. Follow simple rules with some experience among motorists and bus drivers allow this country to annually reduce CO2 emissions in the amount of 50 thousand tons and save more than 23 million liters of fuel.
— The world is already widely used this method of saving fuel, and it should be noted that "eco-driving" in some countries is an integral part of the national strategy in the field of energy and environmental protection. Driving a new type becomes "ecoredesign" and is characterized by respect for the environment. No need to rely on someone, and need to start with ourselves," said Project Manager Nicholas Haritakis.
Source: greenevolution.ru

A positive example is the experience of Austria. Follow simple rules with some experience among motorists and bus drivers allow this country to annually reduce CO2 emissions in the amount of 50 thousand tons and save more than 23 million liters of fuel.
— The world is already widely used this method of saving fuel, and it should be noted that "eco-driving" in some countries is an integral part of the national strategy in the field of energy and environmental protection. Driving a new type becomes "ecoredesign" and is characterized by respect for the environment. No need to rely on someone, and need to start with ourselves," said Project Manager Nicholas Haritakis.
Source: greenevolution.ru