Business Idea - Solving the Sexual Issue
Floor improvement can bring a solid income.
People have always paid more attention to gender. Even in the early Paleolithic era, ancient people, equipping caves, removed extra stones that interfere with walking. Later, in the first dwellings, the land was first leveled, which was then covered with straw, animal skins, spruce branches. In modern construction terminology, these works are called the arrangement of the base and the laying of the coating. However, the similarity ends there.
“The volume of these works is astronomical, about 39.7 million apartments with an area of 1814.2 million m2 were inherited from the USSR, about 8.5 million apartments (560.6 million m2) were built in our time,” says businessman Alexander Sinyavsky. In many apartments, the floors are far from the standards and need to be redesigned. This is a good basis for this type of business.”
The attitude to the floors as a secondary part of the interior, which can be covered with carpets, is a thing of the past. According to statistics, every second owner would like to update the floors and make them modern and beautiful. Often such work is done independently, but the lack of professionalism leads to numerous mistakes. In other words, sex should be dealt with by professionals, and more and more people understand this.
To begin with, future businessmen who decided to devote themselves to the arrangement of the floors should study SNIP 2.03.13.-88. As for the screed itself, the technology of its laying is divided into “wet”, “dry”, “semi-dry” and “false floors”.
The most popular is the “wet” screed, performed in a liquid form from astringent mixtures. It can be cement-sand with additives from crushed stone or ceramsite, cement-sand with additives-modifiers, as well as based on polyurethane resin. “Ordinary concrete screed is most in demand, first of all, because of the cheapness,” said the builder Ilya Gorin. However, it is characterized by a long period of catching.” Unlike traditional concrete pouring in “clean form”, screeds, with additives-modifiers, better known as “fill floors”, are mounted much easier, and you can walk on it after 6 hours. In addition, they gain the strength of 12 MPa, necessary for laying the finish layer, in a maximum of five days, while concrete - only after 28 days.
Semi-dry screeds are also made from the cement-sand mixture, with a low water cement ratio in the range of 0.35-0.43, which predetermines the need for their reinforcement with a metal mesh or fibre. But they gain a given strength after four days. And yet among specialists, the installation of such rough floors is considered laborious, at least because it is two-layer. But dry screed, from the point of view of labor costs, on the contrary, is the most preferred, since it is made of bulk material, on top of which the substrate is laid. By the way, the “dry screed” was developed by the Moscow Research Institute of Typology and Experimental Design in Soviet times and was widely used in large-scale construction according to the instructions of the PD-66v-2 and P71g-2. Recently, this technology is beginning to gain popularity, thanks to strong substrates.
False floors also belong to technologies with low labor intensity and are modular plates with adjustable steel pedestals that are installed directly on the ceiling. The plates come in the form of steel boxes filled with light concrete, or from chipboard with or without a steel shell. If ceramic tiles are not considered as the finishing layer, then for all types of draft floors, except for false floors made of chipboard modules, it is recommended to lay the substrate on the screed. Its choice requires special analysis, especially since there is a wide range of materials on the Russian market. This is plywood, and technical plug, and polystyrene, and various types of particle boards, and foamed polyethylene.
Ecology is not the last thing.
First of all, environmental safety should be taken care of. Here is what Evgeny Sysoev, express analyst of chemical impurities in apartments, said: “Floors should be analyzed from the point of view of the emission of harmful substances, and, first of all. Since children are closest to the surface, and people sleep, just above the field level. According to many experts, the main danger in apartments are formaldehydes, dangerous allergenic, mutagenic and carcinogenic effects. Scientists of the Moscow Research Institute of Human Ecology and Environmental Hygiene named after A. N. Sysin RAMS in their research proved that in many houses the level of chemical pollution with formaldehydes is 3.2 times higher than the MPC.
Formaldehydes, as a rule, sin plywood and wood boards based on them. The exception is chipboard made using hot pressing technology. “Children are particularly vulnerable to negative effects,” explains Ekaterina Veselova, head of EcoStandart Group’s environmental expertise department. This is also important because children spend a lot of time on the floor.
For the business of flooring, such explanatory work of the builder is important from the point of view of image positions. “Explaining what is harmful and what is not, the builder thereby strengthens his reputation as a responsible entrepreneur,” explains Ilya Gorin. The image of a person who does not advise bad is the best advertising, which, as you know, is the engine of trade, in this case, its services.
Final touches.
Analysis of the building materials market showed that parquet, as well as ceramic tiles, are in greatest demand. “These are standard materials that have proven themselves well,” says Alexander Sinyavsky, “but recently there is an interest in 3d floors, as well as glass floors.” These are very interesting positions that still require special training. For example, with improper pouring of 3d floors, after a year or two they will crack and scratch.
For beginners, this business is good because it does not require significant expenses at the start. All you need is professionalism and a standard set of hand tools. “There is an opinion that these works should be done in conjunction with other works,” advises Ilya Gorin. And yet, specialization is needed, especially when it comes to interesting design solutions, which are becoming more and more popular lately. According to Gorin, this business may well be self-sufficient, with the income of an individual entrepreneur up to 40-60 thousand rubles per month.
Modern building materials allow in a short time to bring the floors into an impeccable appearance. So, thanks to the technology of “burden floors”, you can equip the floors in the whole apartment in a day. “People are in a hurry, and are not always ready for long repairs, so the time factor can be decisive when receiving an order,” writes the forumman with the nickname VASIA. The customer doubts at first, but when he watches videos of our work, he is ready to overpay for the urgency of the work.
Thus, the arrangement of floors can become an independent and profitable business, and without any production base and storage facilities. And the start in this business does not portend significant cash injections, but, given the floor area in apartments that need repair, the demand for such services can be high and stable.
Source: /users/87
People have always paid more attention to gender. Even in the early Paleolithic era, ancient people, equipping caves, removed extra stones that interfere with walking. Later, in the first dwellings, the land was first leveled, which was then covered with straw, animal skins, spruce branches. In modern construction terminology, these works are called the arrangement of the base and the laying of the coating. However, the similarity ends there.

“The volume of these works is astronomical, about 39.7 million apartments with an area of 1814.2 million m2 were inherited from the USSR, about 8.5 million apartments (560.6 million m2) were built in our time,” says businessman Alexander Sinyavsky. In many apartments, the floors are far from the standards and need to be redesigned. This is a good basis for this type of business.”
The attitude to the floors as a secondary part of the interior, which can be covered with carpets, is a thing of the past. According to statistics, every second owner would like to update the floors and make them modern and beautiful. Often such work is done independently, but the lack of professionalism leads to numerous mistakes. In other words, sex should be dealt with by professionals, and more and more people understand this.
To begin with, future businessmen who decided to devote themselves to the arrangement of the floors should study SNIP 2.03.13.-88. As for the screed itself, the technology of its laying is divided into “wet”, “dry”, “semi-dry” and “false floors”.
The most popular is the “wet” screed, performed in a liquid form from astringent mixtures. It can be cement-sand with additives from crushed stone or ceramsite, cement-sand with additives-modifiers, as well as based on polyurethane resin. “Ordinary concrete screed is most in demand, first of all, because of the cheapness,” said the builder Ilya Gorin. However, it is characterized by a long period of catching.” Unlike traditional concrete pouring in “clean form”, screeds, with additives-modifiers, better known as “fill floors”, are mounted much easier, and you can walk on it after 6 hours. In addition, they gain the strength of 12 MPa, necessary for laying the finish layer, in a maximum of five days, while concrete - only after 28 days.

Semi-dry screeds are also made from the cement-sand mixture, with a low water cement ratio in the range of 0.35-0.43, which predetermines the need for their reinforcement with a metal mesh or fibre. But they gain a given strength after four days. And yet among specialists, the installation of such rough floors is considered laborious, at least because it is two-layer. But dry screed, from the point of view of labor costs, on the contrary, is the most preferred, since it is made of bulk material, on top of which the substrate is laid. By the way, the “dry screed” was developed by the Moscow Research Institute of Typology and Experimental Design in Soviet times and was widely used in large-scale construction according to the instructions of the PD-66v-2 and P71g-2. Recently, this technology is beginning to gain popularity, thanks to strong substrates.
False floors also belong to technologies with low labor intensity and are modular plates with adjustable steel pedestals that are installed directly on the ceiling. The plates come in the form of steel boxes filled with light concrete, or from chipboard with or without a steel shell. If ceramic tiles are not considered as the finishing layer, then for all types of draft floors, except for false floors made of chipboard modules, it is recommended to lay the substrate on the screed. Its choice requires special analysis, especially since there is a wide range of materials on the Russian market. This is plywood, and technical plug, and polystyrene, and various types of particle boards, and foamed polyethylene.
Ecology is not the last thing.
First of all, environmental safety should be taken care of. Here is what Evgeny Sysoev, express analyst of chemical impurities in apartments, said: “Floors should be analyzed from the point of view of the emission of harmful substances, and, first of all. Since children are closest to the surface, and people sleep, just above the field level. According to many experts, the main danger in apartments are formaldehydes, dangerous allergenic, mutagenic and carcinogenic effects. Scientists of the Moscow Research Institute of Human Ecology and Environmental Hygiene named after A. N. Sysin RAMS in their research proved that in many houses the level of chemical pollution with formaldehydes is 3.2 times higher than the MPC.

Formaldehydes, as a rule, sin plywood and wood boards based on them. The exception is chipboard made using hot pressing technology. “Children are particularly vulnerable to negative effects,” explains Ekaterina Veselova, head of EcoStandart Group’s environmental expertise department. This is also important because children spend a lot of time on the floor.
For the business of flooring, such explanatory work of the builder is important from the point of view of image positions. “Explaining what is harmful and what is not, the builder thereby strengthens his reputation as a responsible entrepreneur,” explains Ilya Gorin. The image of a person who does not advise bad is the best advertising, which, as you know, is the engine of trade, in this case, its services.
Final touches.
Analysis of the building materials market showed that parquet, as well as ceramic tiles, are in greatest demand. “These are standard materials that have proven themselves well,” says Alexander Sinyavsky, “but recently there is an interest in 3d floors, as well as glass floors.” These are very interesting positions that still require special training. For example, with improper pouring of 3d floors, after a year or two they will crack and scratch.
For beginners, this business is good because it does not require significant expenses at the start. All you need is professionalism and a standard set of hand tools. “There is an opinion that these works should be done in conjunction with other works,” advises Ilya Gorin. And yet, specialization is needed, especially when it comes to interesting design solutions, which are becoming more and more popular lately. According to Gorin, this business may well be self-sufficient, with the income of an individual entrepreneur up to 40-60 thousand rubles per month.
Modern building materials allow in a short time to bring the floors into an impeccable appearance. So, thanks to the technology of “burden floors”, you can equip the floors in the whole apartment in a day. “People are in a hurry, and are not always ready for long repairs, so the time factor can be decisive when receiving an order,” writes the forumman with the nickname VASIA. The customer doubts at first, but when he watches videos of our work, he is ready to overpay for the urgency of the work.
Thus, the arrangement of floors can become an independent and profitable business, and without any production base and storage facilities. And the start in this business does not portend significant cash injections, but, given the floor area in apartments that need repair, the demand for such services can be high and stable.
Source: /users/87