Recommended diet for heartburn
Seventy two million five hundred sixty four thousand two hundred sixty seven
Burning sensation behind the breastbone – a rather unpleasant symptom faced by many people. Diet for heartburn helps to snuff out the fire and avoid new attacks.
Useful information
Heartburn is a condition in which there is reflux (emission of hydrochloric acid, pepsin, bile acids and enzymes from the stomach into the esophagus). The cause of this problem is the weakening of the lower esophageal sphincter. Weakness of the valve can be both hereditary and acquired (more common). The deterioration of the sphincter is facilitated by such factors as:
• Alcohol abuse and organic coffee
• Frequent consumption of acidic, fatty and spicy foods
• Smoking
• Pregnancy
• Having certain diseases (diabetes, asthma, etc.)
• Hiatal hernia
• Obesity
• Habit to eat before sleep
• Wearing tight clothes
It is important to remember that different people have heartburn can cause different products. It is recommended to listen to their feelings and to eliminate from the diet food that caused the discomfort. Frequent heartburn, it is highly desirable to keep a food diary.
Seventeen million six hundred thirty five thousand one hundred fifty four
Important recommendation.If the burning sensation in the esophagus occurs frequently, change the way of life. Have to lose weight and give up bad habits (Smoking, alcohol). You need to go to a fractional power mode (it is recommended to eat up to 6 times a day but small portions). It is advisable to eat food at the same time it normalizes the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. Not snacking "on the go" – it is very important to chew your food. The last meal should end 3-4 hours before bedtime. To prevent the ejection of gastric contents into the esophagus, you should sleep on a high pillow or on your left side.
Doctors recommend to drink with heartburn warm water. However, you cannot immediately drink large amount of liquids – it is important to comply with the measure (as with the use of products). It will not hurt to increase physical activity. Avoid stress and learn to relieve excessive tension.
Advice on nutrition. Diet prescribed for heartburn, distributes food and beverages into 3 groups. Some products should be consumed regularly, second you need to eat rarely and in compliance with the measures, and the third have to give.
Recommended product:
• Vegetables (peas, broccoli, carrots, baked potatoes, green beans, etc.)
• Lean meats
• Poultry fillets (without skin)
• Fish low-fat varieties
• Dairy products minimum fat
• Ripe fruits (bananas, apples sweet varieties, etc.)
• Egg whites
• Soy tofu
• Wheat, corn or grain bread
• Bran, oatmeal and rice porridge
• Mineral water without gas
• Low-fat cakes
• Jujube
Foods that should be consumed in limited quantities:
• Apple juice
• Peaches, grapes, raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, dried cranberries
• Garlic and onions (the ingredients)
• Sauerkraut
• Dark poultry meat
• Egg yolk
• Fatty or fried fish, canned tuna
• Ham
• Milk products 2 % fat, low-fat cottage cheese, cheddar, mozzarella
• Garlic bread and muffin
• Sauces
• Baking with low fat content
Heartburn is recommended to abandon the following products:
• Orange, grapefruit, cranberry, tomato juices
• Lemon and other citrus fruits
• Fries
• Raw onion and fresh tomatoes
• Fatty meat
• Fatty dairy products
• Cream
• Pasta with fatty sauces or cheese
• Any alcohol
• Coffee (including decaffeinated)
• Refractory fat
• Vinegar
• Pastries with high fat content
• Chocolate
• Flavored crackers, chips
• Mint
Diet for heartburn – concept of the individual. As practice shows, "total" lists the actual not for all. It is important to consider the reaction of the organism and to compile their own menu.
Source: updiet.info/