Folk remedies for heartburn
Heartburn is a burning sensation in the food tract. According to a public survey, 40% of the world’s population suffer from heartburn. Often heartburn appears after taking fried food. If this is the reason, then you should refuse such food.
In the fight against heartburn, try not to resort to medications, first try to use folk remedies for heartburn. In this article we will acquaint you with effective folk remedies to combat this ailment.
Folk remedies for heartburn Soda is the most popular, affordable and fast-acting remedy for heartburn. Recipe: dilute a pinch in a glass of boiled warm water, mix and drink. Such a tool does not last long, it is better to use it rarely, as a quick help.
The root of the marsh aira will help well with heartburn.
A pinch of aira root must be swallowed and washed down with water.
Potato juice
To get rid of heartburn with potato juice, it is necessary in the morning, on an empty stomach, for ten days to drink a glass of such juice. After completing the course, a break is taken for two weeks and you can repeat it again.
Apple cider vinegar
Let's get rid of the acid. Apple cider vinegar will help. Dilute two teaspoons of apple half a glass of boiled water. Drink before meals.
Mint infusion
Useful and delicious folk remedy for heartburn. Brew a teaspoon of mint grass like ordinary tea, pouring boiling water.
Anis grind the anise seeds well and pour two bottles of vodka. Insist a month in a dark place. After adding 200-400 g of sugar and some cinnamon. Stir the sugar until completely dissolved. Take a drink after a meal.
Buckwheat cereal roast to a dark color, powder and sift. Take a pinch three times a day.
birch ash
From constant heartburn perfectly helps ash from birch bark. You need to take it half a teaspoon, washed down with water.
Eat walnuts crushed one spoon once a day. This folk remedy is good for the prevention of heartburn.
Celery heartburn treatment
Take fresh celery root half an hour before eating 1-2 tablespoons 3 times a day. Take a month. From dried celery roots, you can make an infusion: pour a glass of boiling water 2 teaspoons of sliced celery root, insist for 30 minutes and drink 2-3 times a day for half a glass.
Source: ethno-science.ru/
In the fight against heartburn, try not to resort to medications, first try to use folk remedies for heartburn. In this article we will acquaint you with effective folk remedies to combat this ailment.

Folk remedies for heartburn Soda is the most popular, affordable and fast-acting remedy for heartburn. Recipe: dilute a pinch in a glass of boiled warm water, mix and drink. Such a tool does not last long, it is better to use it rarely, as a quick help.
The root of the marsh aira will help well with heartburn.
A pinch of aira root must be swallowed and washed down with water.
Potato juice
To get rid of heartburn with potato juice, it is necessary in the morning, on an empty stomach, for ten days to drink a glass of such juice. After completing the course, a break is taken for two weeks and you can repeat it again.
Apple cider vinegar
Let's get rid of the acid. Apple cider vinegar will help. Dilute two teaspoons of apple half a glass of boiled water. Drink before meals.
Mint infusion
Useful and delicious folk remedy for heartburn. Brew a teaspoon of mint grass like ordinary tea, pouring boiling water.
Anis grind the anise seeds well and pour two bottles of vodka. Insist a month in a dark place. After adding 200-400 g of sugar and some cinnamon. Stir the sugar until completely dissolved. Take a drink after a meal.
Buckwheat cereal roast to a dark color, powder and sift. Take a pinch three times a day.
birch ash
From constant heartburn perfectly helps ash from birch bark. You need to take it half a teaspoon, washed down with water.
Eat walnuts crushed one spoon once a day. This folk remedy is good for the prevention of heartburn.

Celery heartburn treatment
Take fresh celery root half an hour before eating 1-2 tablespoons 3 times a day. Take a month. From dried celery roots, you can make an infusion: pour a glass of boiling water 2 teaspoons of sliced celery root, insist for 30 minutes and drink 2-3 times a day for half a glass.
Source: ethno-science.ru/