Volvo engineers are busy making the electric car on the rails...
Appearing in many cities stations fast charging greatly benefit the residents, and transport organizations because it becomes possible to make more active use of electric vehicles, and, consequently, improve the environmental situation.
However, recharging the eco is required quite often, and today the only way to increase the range of non-stop runs is to increase the number of batteries that will take up too much space. Given the situation, the Volvo engineers decided to go the other way.
In particular, they suggest that in the future it is possible to realize such a scenario in which long-distance buses and trucks with electric motors can be charged from... the road! If they manage to implement your idea, a large battery will become a thing of the past and it will be possible to create electric cars with lightweight batteries.
Volvo has long pursued a policy of transition to the most ecological production process and technology. So, the engineers of the company are committed to constantly improve the efficiency of diesel engines fitted to the cars of this brand.
In addition, Volvo is actively developing new technologies to improve the performance of electric vehicles. New project cars will be charged from two rail extending along the entire length of the road. Electricity will be fed into a manifold at the rear of the vehicle or under the bottom. The authors of the project believe that the use of charging “from the road” is much more promising and economical than the use for the same purpose overhead lines.
Source: ecofriendly.ru
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