Water in the Amur region will be cleaned with the help of biotechnology

Grant assistance 210 liters of concentrate with a fungus of the region was provided by the biotechnology center. This concentrate is poured into water. It should help not only clean water, but also to help the Amur region, whose homes were affected by floods, to fight the fungus.
With the help of the fungus plan to improve the ecological situation in water bodies of the Blagoveshchensk river Burkhanivka, Vladimir lakes and pond in the Park of Friendship, according to "Russian planet".
Note that 70 liters of solution, which was made in Primorye, according to Japanese technology has already been conveyed to the residents of Grodekovo of the Annunciation district. The solution was awoken by the bacteria is prepared from the concentrate in advance.
The concentrate was brought to the Amur region in the last year, but it was impossible to use in cold weather.
Recall that the environment of the water bodies of the Amur region worsened after the floods last year. Another consequence of the "big water" became a mass pestilence of fish this spring due to lack of oxygen. During the flood the fish came into shallow pools filled with water, informs GTRK "Amur".
Source: greenevolution.ru
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