Vegetable production according to advanced methods. Part 1
Welcome to a course of lectures on vegetable growing from the doctor advanced methods. He will teach you how to gather large harvests not only for experienced gardeners and farmers, but also complete beginners in this business.

- More than 15 years, the scope of its activities was the production of seedlings in the industrial nursery in southern California.
- He has developed commercial methods of growing, packaging and delivery by air of more than 50 species of living plants, including flowers, for retail sale.
- Dr the advanced methods has 11 patents of the United States.
- Dr the advanced methods collaborated with Loma Linda University in California, where he taught methods of agriculture, and supervised agricultural projects.
- Since 1964, Dr. advanced methods, continued its activities on a worldwide scale, teaching and counseling in many countries of the globe.
- He conducted a training and demonstration farm programs in many foreign countries, including New Guinea, Okinawa, Fiji, Mexico, Zimbabwe, Upper Volta, Trinidad and many others. He also accepted a number of invitations to deploy its methods in Canada and the United States.
- Since 1989, Dr. advanced methods carried out educational and demonstration projects in the Soviet Union.
- Dr the advanced methods is the author of many books, articles, and practice guidelines.

A Ukrainian holds a vegetable garden at home or at the cottage, or at least a little hradecka. This is not something that would need, and not a habit, just a man, not as down to earth. Like any other hobby, agriculture needs attention, cost and effort. And if you put it all together, the harvest will be good. The only trouble is that nature is capricious, and not going on about it.
Doctor advanced methods has opened a unique technology of market gardening, which provides a high yield regardless of weather vagaries. This information is designed for all lovers of vegetables and can teach you new methods and radically change your approach to it. Effective method use for 40 countries. And how can you ignore the possibility of a guaranteed collection of chic crop with minimal time and effort, and even without any additional mechanization?

A huge plus of this method is its simplicity and accessibility. After all, to grow vegetables on the technology of the advanced methods both at home and on a global scale. If you correctly follow the instructions, a family with four people will fully provide itself with vegetables from the garden with an area of only 1.5 acres of land. Moreover, the products are environmentally friendly and high quality, and condition of the soil does not affect the result, you will learn how to turn into a productive garden of any weedy vacant lot.

The method features a characteristic balanced nutrition and optimal geometry of plantings. The plant serves a balanced number of required elements, and the peculiar arrangement contributes to efficient utilization of nutrients, water and sunlight. In addition, you effortlessly solve the most painful problem of reducing the content of nitrates in vegetables. The advanced methods proved that it is not necessary to keep the plant on a dry diet, to organic products, simply to create all the necessary conditions for processing them in vitamins, proteins and other nutrients. This result is achieved when there is good light and a proper balance between magnesium, trace elements and major nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium).

Currently, in many regions of the land and water literally poisoned by such "gifts" of civilization, such as pesticides, heavy metals, radio-nuclides and other harmful substances, nitrates is not the worst thing that comes to our table with food. There is a widespread belief that pure products can be grown, refused the services of a hateful chemicals and using only organic fertilizers (manure, composts, etc.). This is a dangerous misconception. Traditional organic farming is valid and justified only on clean soil, which, alas, every year getting smaller.

Organics concentrate many toxic substances. In addition, the imbalance of plant nutrition and the lack of separate elements, which are inevitable in organic farming, launching mechanisms, leading eventually to increased uptake by plants of toxic substances. For example, lack of nitrogen, which is often observed in organic farming because of the slow decomposition of organic matter to nitrate and ammonia, leading to a strong growth of roots and multiple increase in the area of nutrition, which is extremely undesirable, as it increases the removal of harmful substances from contaminated soil. Doctor advanced methods believes that the only way to grow healthy vegetables in the conditions of technogenic pollution, is to provide the plants a rich and balanced mineral nutrition with a minimum area of supply. It not only provides a high yield of vegetables but also ensures a pure and healthy food in less than ideal environmental conditions. Method advanced methods gives hope for the health of the people living in the XXI century.
Source: /users/1
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