7 healthy habits that reduce the risk of stroke

According to recent research, a healthy lifestyle can significantly reduce the risk of stroke. Researchers monitored 23,000 Americans over the age of 45 years to establish which habits reduce the risk of becoming a stroke victim. Outside the risk groups were people who live by the 7 simple rules:
Lead an active lifestyle. To control cholesterol levels. Stick to a healthy diet. To control blood pressure. Keep in normal weight. To monitor the level of blood sugar. No Smoking. Five years of observations from a stroke died 432 part in the study. Seven of the listed factors played an important role in this, but the most significant was the factor of elevated blood pressure. "People suffering from blood pressure problems, risk of stroke is increased by 60% compared to those whose pressure is normal," — said the curator of research, Professor of medicine at the University of Vermont (Burlington) Mary Cashman.
Cushman and her colleagues also found that non-smokers or those who quit Smoking more than a year before the start of the study, the risk was reduced by 40%.
The authors introduced the conditional points. Every point meant a decrease risk of stroke by 8%. The researchers divided the participants observations into three categories: does not meet the requirements of a healthy lifestyle (from 0 to 4 points), middle group (5 to 9 points) and best group (10 to 14 points). In people with optimal number of points, the risk of suffering from a stroke by 48% less than in the first category, and 27% less than average.
It is worth noting that each year in the U.S. approximately 795,000 people suffer a stroke. Among the causes of death stroke ranks fourth.
Source: /users/413