Olive oil and table olives and their beneficial properties for health

As you know, olives and olive oil is a very useful product. Many doctors pay attention to their properties and also recommend to include them in the diet. Why?
The olives are almost all essential vitamins and minerals. Their pulp contains sugar, proteins, pectins, vitamins b, C and carotene. They are well affect the digestive tract and liver. Oliva stimulates bone growth and is also used in the prevention of atherosclerosis and diseases of the digestive system.
Olive oil 55-83% consists of monounsaturated fatty acids, consumption of which reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood. In addition, it contains vitamin E and polyphenols, which are natural antioxidants. Olive oil prevents aging of the organism and reduces the risk of many diseases, including some forms of cancer.
Many people strive to look good and feel great about it. Health status largely depends on what a person eats. It is not surprising that doctors are often encouraged to pay special attention to the diet.
Says cardiologist Natalia Perova: "In surveys of the population of different regions of the world, scientists have proved that almost every modern person, including a resident of Russia, eats properly. We moved from physiologically correct human diet, which is meat and vegetable and of animal origin to the diet of carnivorous animals". Of course, this situation is not the best way affects the condition. However, to give up meat entirely, like vegetarians, we do not need.
Natalia recommends:"the Ratio of saturated animal and polyunsaturated fats should be about 1:2. Should choose dairy products with reduced fat content. Each person in the diet must be vegetable oil, better if olive".
The population of Western Europe was the lowest level of cardiovascular disease. And this is no accident. After all, olive oil — an excellent prevention of heart disease.
Olive oil extracted mechanically from the olive fruit, is a precious natural nectar that needs no further chemical or physical treatment. Because of this it becomes extremely useful and natural, suitable for making both hot and cold dishes. Besides olive oil and table olives, very tasty. Olives can serve as an excellent addition to various soups and main dishes. Olive oil, especially Extra Virgin varieties, ideal for salads and cooking various sauces. Treat yourself and your loved ones healthy and tasty food! Cook something with olives or olive oil.
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