Why are people so fond of talking about herself
People, as you know is a social being. So communication for us is a perfectly natural way to spend time. We always have something to say to each other: we can share experiences, ideas, plans, tell a joke, or just to remember old times.
Six million four hundred thirty two thousand two hundred ninety three
Ability to communicate – about anything and at any time, once played a key role not just in survival, but the prosperity of our species. But what role this ability performs today? Is the communication means of solution of important and significant tasks that face us?
Or we just like talking about themselves?
For most of us it is so. According to the results of sociological research, up to 60 percent of our conversations consist of sharing personal experiences, and in the case of social networking we can safely say 80 percent.
Why in a world full of things much more interesting, people prefer to talk about themselves? The answer is simple: because it feels good.
Specialists of the laboratory of Neurophysiology of Cognition and Emotion Harvard University set out to find out how our revelations are rewarded on a subconscious level.
For this they used a device for a magnetic resonance imaging device, which determines the degree of nervous excitement, recording the increase and decrease blood pressure.
Then, comparing the received data with the actual behavior of the subjects, the researchers were able to get close to understanding the link between neural activity of the brain and experiences of the participants of the experiment.
Scholars interested in whether increases neural activity in brain regions responsible for self-esteem, motivation behavior and satisfaction when a person says about yourself.
The experiment was attended by 195 people were asked to tell about yourself and describe other people, while the device reads the indicators from their brain. Because scientists have proposed the same topics of conversation, managed to set a difference between brain activity during a conversation about yourself and others.
Based on the obtained data it was possible to identify three areas of the brain with the highest neural activity.
Two of these sites, however, not previously been associated with self-esteem: they used to be linked with those pleasant sensations which a man experiences during sex, when taking cocaine or eating something delicious.
After the experiment, one question remained unsolved:
Despite the fact that the participants were given the same topics of conversation, they didn't care whether the interest in the trainees; not having the slightest clue who they still listen, they enthusiastically continued the story of his personality.
It turns out that the active work of neurons in brain regions associated with the promotion and motivation, caused by the conversation about himself (plus I may attempt a deeper self-disclosure). Whether the person no matter who listens to him or not?
Order to understand this question, scientists decided to conduct another experiment. In it the participants had to bring a friend or relative who would have listened to them. As in the first experiment, participants were asked to talk about yourself first and then share their opinions about other people, but now they are warned, will someone listen or not.
In the first case narrative of the participants was recorded and transmitted in real time to listeners, the words of other participants in the group no one, including the researchers, did not hear. As a result, the level of neural activity during a conversation about themselves were higher than during a conversation about other. Also, when the participants no one was listening, the activity of neurons was lower than when they were listening.
Talk about yourself and others caused rapid activity of neurons during simultaneous conversations about myself and about other activity was greater than during talking only about themselves or only about others.
We can conclude that talking about yourself is always a satisfying and encouraged at a subconscious level, even if no one is listening.
Talking about yourself is not a mistake of human evolution. Showing "I", the person increases the chances to please others and to acquire new social ties that have always been necessary for survival, and subjective feelings of happiness.
Sharing our own thoughts, people stimulate their own personal growth, because it receives the response from the outside and can correct their behavior. Sharing information obtained from his own experience, man learns to co-exist with other people and to find their own place in society. Revealing their thoughts and feelings to others, a man begins to understand himself better and finds the right solution to confronting his problem. Self-disclosure, like any other form of communication performs the adaptation function.
You may like to talk about themselves just by the fact that it is nice – it is the self-revelation causes a rapid activity of neurons in areas of the brain responsible for the promotion, motivation and pleasure. However, in this case, the pleasure can be just a tool that will allow you to tie a variety of ties, which anyway can be useful.
Source: /users/104
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