Americans are building an energy tower.
According to the developers of the unprecedented project, the high-rise tower will produce as much electricity as 100,000 wind turbines.
The huge structure, 800 meters high, will be built in Arizona, in the middle of the desert. T
The technology that will be used in the unique structure is not new, but the company said that they have an innovative patent that makes the project more real.
The tower will generate electricity by spraying water at the top, which will bring the heavy air down and run 120 large turbines located there. According to calculations, at the peak of productivity, the energy facility will produce 1,250 megawatts per hour. The main advantage of the new system is independence from specific weather, wind and sun.
The estimated cost of the project is estimated at half a billion dollars. The company has already received permission for construction and operation.
The firm also hopes to export the new technology to other countries: India, Chile, and the Middle East.
Source: nauka24news.ru/