Subtle complexity rocketry, Part 5: Initial Structures

Initial facilities - a separate interesting aspect of space technology. In fact, it is necessary to collect the rocket, take out to the launch pad, check again, season, put the crew (if manned launch) and run. And each of the tasks is challenging engineering ingenuity, materials, strength of materials and a variety of other disciplines.
Introduction h4> To make it clear what is at stake, it is necessary to explain the terms used and describe in general how the launch rocket.
First of all, the launch vehicle and the payload is delivered to the cosmodrome. Booster almost always delivered unassembled, because so it is easier to transport. Then the rocket and payload collected in one unit and check in a special building, which for various missiles in different countries has many different names: MIC (assembly and testing facility), the technical position, technical complex, VAB (Vertical Assembly Building, Vehicle Assembly Building ), assembly building (the building of the assembly), etc. Then, booster, typically in assembly with the payload transported to a special area from which the trigger. This area also has many names - the launch facility, launch pad, launch facilities, etc. The rocket, set vertically, very high thing, so there is usually a so-called tower service that allows access to the desired location on the installed rocket.
When rockets were small h4> The smaller rocket, the easier launch complex and less difficulty with it. At the dawn of rocketry entire launch complex consisted of a flat concrete platform, support for the missiles on small legs and unpretentious service tower:
V-2 and ladders. I>
A more advanced version of the service tower. Cone bottom set for uniform gas emissions in hand. I>
Even on manned launches from launch complex of small missiles was not much difficulty:
in 1961, the first manned mission of the program «Mercury» - «Mercury-Redstone 3". Tower moves on rails, the technology is similar to a construction crane. Under Homepage pillar seen a cone for uniform dispersion of gases. I>
In principle, small rockets, this approach is alive today. A small launch weight is relatively small engine capacity and the lack of problems with the evacuation of the gases is relatively short exposure to high temperature, which reduces the requirements for materials.
"Cosmos-3M", recently decommissioned. Visible on the left tower maintenance, right - simple launch pad. I>
In the West, about the same thing - a small rocket can be put at the start of the industrial crane:
Left Taurus, right Minotaur V. I>
And start with a higher, but still simple launch facility:
Left Taurus, right Minotaur V. I>
How bloomed tulip h4> Probably the most unusual launch complex - the family of missiles "P-7". Firstly, it is the only complex in which the missile is not on the table, and hung over the middle. Secondly, in early versions of the launch pad is rotated completely before starting. And third, instead of service tower made two "polubashni" which, moreover, are moving away from the rocket rotating in a vertical plane. Why were these decisions made?
The decision on the first point is very well described by BE Chertok. A missile family F-7, the first and second stages are assembled into a package. And this package is very badly installed on the launch pad - required serious strengthening the tail section, and this extra weight, and increased wind resistance. Even had the idea to build a wall around the start. Sketch of the transport device, which export a missile and put on four launch pad, one for each side block, too, no one encouraged. And then there was a very beautiful engineering idea. In flight, the efforts of the side blocks are transmitted to the central unit through their tops. So why not hang the rocket at launch for those same power nodes? In this case the missile at launch suffers from the same load as in flight, and do not need special measures to enhance the design. A dive into the rocket launch facility solves problems with wind load.
The scheme launch pad. At the bottom there is also a pull-out table for personnel access, not shown here. I>
Paragraph two of the problem came from the ease of system management. While deployed missiles along with the starting table before putting it easier than tune turn after the start of the analog control system. Now, in the age of computers, it is an anachronism. Baikonur able to turn the tables, and it is used as inherited, and in the new starting complex (Kourou, East) tables without the rotating devices.
Photo launch facility in Kourou. I>
The third point is due to constant upgrades missiles family "P-7". First was a simple one-level platform:
When "P-7" was the "East", a one-level site added a mobile service tower:
For "Sunrise" and "Lightning" has added levels:
Outcome little predictable :)
It's Plesetsk, then 9 levels at Baikonur 8. I>
The big picture is very beautiful
Despite the beautiful view, the construction is not very comfortable. Venues open, windswept, and work in the cold or heat - it's unobtrusive heroism starting calculations. Therefore, when they began to build the start of "alliances" in Kourou, designed conventional mobile tower (there was another factor about it will be a little later):
Good result of operation of the new tower has meant that "the East" will be the same.
Guns for a fight going backwards h4> Private interesting dilemma - is transporting the missiles at the start. And, of course, there are many possible solutions, with their pros and cons. Firstly, the rocket assembly can generally will not take - to gather immediately at the start, check and empty. Secondly, the rocket can be assembled horizontally, take the start, set it vertically, and empty. Thirdly, the rocket can be assembled vertically, and drive to start immediately in an upright position. And, you can mix these options.
The first embodiment of implement, mainly for small rockets (because it merely):
Again Taurus. On the left, covered in blue, the first stage. I>
Also experimented with this option, all of a sudden, the Indians. Rocket PSLV собиралась immediately on the launch pad .
No need to carry a rocket to the launch pad.
We need to take away from the start of the assembly and testing facility.
The second option - a Soviet / Russian school, and SpaceX. "Union", "Proton", "Space", "H-1", "energy", "Zenith" and "Falcon'y" going to start in a horizontal position. The conveyor is also an installer, and vertikalizuet rocket.

Long MIC build simpler than high. Carry horizontally easier. From the rocket and payload requires additional flexural strength.

«Long March", a manned version, China. I>
On the rocket and payload force acts only in the direction of "top-down». No need for the installer and verticalization process. We need a high MIC. A somewhat more complicated transportation.

Combines the convenience of horizontal transport and vertical assembly. Requires clean room, a mini-MIC in the tower service.
The Dilemma tower h4> The next question is - is it necessary to service tower? Let's all checks carried out in the MIK, and start-up operations to produce automation. In this case, there is no one and no need to walk in the service tower, and it does not need to build. Attractive idea, but as it turned out, it has its drawbacks. Her first implemented in the Soviet Union for the rocket "Zenit". The installation process, refueling, launch preparation and launch was fully automated and does not require the person anything except work and head pressing. Starting to get a simple and minimalistic:
All is good, but a start, firstly, is unsuitable for manned launches. For the same "Zenith", who decided to make a manned, had to build a "birdhouse" service tower:
The second drawback - at the start you can not fix. If there is a small failure, which in the presence of the tower could be rectified in half an hour, the Rockets have to shoot from the start and drive back to the MIC. The tower is also absent at SpaceX, and those who are watching starts Falcon'ov probably noticed that starts regularly postponed to a later date. Of course, the fault are different, and not everything can be repaired on site, but the presence of the tower gives you the opportunity to correct minor faults quickly.
The Dilemma Tower 2 h4> Another question, again related to the tower - it is a question of mobility. As far as is necessary and justified to spend money on something that could pull off a tower from the start? There are guided engineering feasibility. Fixed tower must withstand rocket explosion at launch. The mobile must have the same engines, wheels and rails, as well as a system of stretching and gathering pipelines and communications. What turns easier, cheaper and more familiar, you do. There is no national schools in each project engineers do believe more comfortable. For example, for the "Proton" make mobile tower:
Panorama launch complex, the view from the top of the tower service.
And for the "Angara" - is already fixed:
Tron Gulliver h4> You can not ignore the launch complexes for superheavy missiles. Size and complexity of these systems, as well as selected solutions are simply amazing.
Americans acted in the tradition of their school - vertical assembly and transport. A key element was the tractor-conveyor which carried the rocket together with a part of the launch pad and tower maintenance. It is less well known, but it was still the second half of the tower, which drove the same truck:
«Saturn-V» with the top of the launch pad and one tower was going to start the service. The second tower is waiting for his turn in the "dead end" roads for tractors. In the distance one can see the building of a vertical assembly. I>
Small engineering curiosity. Mission "Apollo" to the station "Skylab" and the mission of "Soyuz-Apollo" to use the same launch complex LC39, but a smaller rocket - Saturn-IB. To rocket stood opposite poles of the same on a much more starting construction, it was "high chair" - truss, lifted the rocket to an altitude of "Saturn-V»:
Soviet missiles "N-1" was also done in native traditions, it was carried in a horizontal position on a giant locomotive on the installer, the two parallel rails. Is that service tower was somewhat unusual - quite small.
With the beginning of the development of the shuttle launch complexes waited same fate - they were converted under the shuttle on both sides of the ocean.
In the US, was made very elegant service tower with a rotating element:
In the USSR was made complex of two towers near:
Large pipes on the left tower - landing system and the emergency evacuation of the crew. Photo from Buran.ru, copyright had to cut framing. I>
Gazovody h4> If you take a close look at the surface of a launch pad at the photos, you probably noticed the tunnels, openings, recesses. This gazovody, they need to divert the gases emitted by the rocket. Powerful engines for heavy missiles simple cone underneath longer enough. Design them may be different in the US often used bulk launch pad with a water spray gazovodami at ground level. The water softens the shock wave and reduce the thermal load on the wall. We gazovody usually dry and are located below ground level. The April launch «Falcon'a» showed that in the case of the use of irrigated underground gazovodov costs to monitor the level of liquid in them - the rocket was launched through the mud fountain, well, that it has not caused problems.
Conclusion h4> In conclusion, a beautiful video of delayed start of "Zenith" on the "Sea Launch". Visible to work starting mechanisms and evaporation of falling ice.
To navigate h4> This - the fifth post-cycle. Direct links to the previous:
first post. solid engine. liquid fuels, geometric dimensions, transportation. motor circuit and the insides of tanks. Sources h4>
TsENKI. Starting and complexes. KMC USSR - unique pictures. a href="http://www.federalspace.ru/328/"> Panoramas Site FSA Roscosmos. Special thanks for chic photography site loveopium.ru and blogger russos . li >Source: habrahabr.ru/post/220977/
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