A virtual reality sensation – new Japanese technology

Researchers from the University of Tokyo, Japan, have created a unique haptic device. It is attached to the person's hand and can simulate the softness of different materials by producing realistic tactile sensations.
Haptic technology improved over many years, but simulating touch is still difficult to reproduce.The softness of objects has proved to be particularly big problem, because our fingers are very sensitive and produce nuanced sensations that are hard to repeat. Japanese researchers have developed a haptic device that can simulate the softness of different materials by producing realistic tactile sensations in each finger.
Tech model uses thin, flexible sheets materials in gel form that have properties of human skin. According to the creators, the device can be used as a tool for training physicians. It can be used as a teaching tool to help medical trainees in exams that involve feeling the body — particularly in the examination of the breast in search of tumors. Inventors tactile robot said that the power of novelty in its universality. Simulation of feelings implies that a virtual human body can constantly change to create new challenges for students.
The researchers hope that their haptic device will be accurate enough that one day can be used to replace humans and animals in medical training, mitigating issues of availability and ethics.
Source: nauka24news.ru/
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