The Asian development Bank will Finance improvement of water supply in rural China

One of the largest private water providers in China company China Water Affairs Group Limited (CWA), received on the eve of the $ 200 million from the Asian development Bank, which will focus on improving the quality of water supply suburban settlements and rural areas of China.

Representatives of CWA said that the situation with drinking water in China is quite alarming. But if the cities are constantly allocates funds to improve and taking the necessary actions, while in rural areas to improve the quality of water, almost nothing has been done.

Existing utilities in areas where they are (and this is only a small percentage of the needs in water supply pipes), almost everywhere has fulfilled its service life and need replacement. Somewhere need new motors, which price is not too big, but somewhere we need to change the whole pipeline, and the costs are very significant. The water, according to the existing engineering networks are not only inefficiently used due to leaks, but even simply being polluted by rust.

Allocated 200 million dollars will help provide reliable water supply to a number of suburbs of large cities and several rural areas of China (list not yet disclosed), thereby inhabiting their people will get rid of one of the most serious domestic problems: the scarcity of quality drinking water.

The head of the investment Department of the Asian development Bank Hisaka Kimura noted that in the conditions of dynamically developing economy of China – the rational use of water is one of the main objectives of the country and its inhabitants. Only the competent policy of using water resources to achieve results that are put before the economy of China.

Of course, to say that the allocated amount will be enough for a radical change of the situation in the whole of China, is impossible, as the total amount required in such events investments, and much more. But the correct development of the allocated amount, and obtaining a visible result, will be a stimulus for potential investors in the investment in water supply.
