From a vacation without extra pounds-- 9 Golden Rules
Is it impossible to gain weight on a two-week vacation? The facts say otherwise. Every second holidaymaker returns from vacation, bringing not only souvenirs, but also 2-5 kg of excess weight.
How to return from a vacation without extra pounds and only with warm pleasant memories? Follow a few simple rules, and you will amaze colleagues not only with an even bronze tan, but also with a complete absence of excess weight, and sometimes noticeably losing weight!
9 Golden Rules 1 Before you go on a trip, learn the peculiarities of the national cuisine of the country you have chosen
Before traveling, read reviews of other travelers, study the composition of dishes and decide for yourself what you like more and what you will definitely try, and what dishes are better not to eat. Your food will depend on the choice of the country. For example, leaning on seafood dishes in Thailand, you will return home not only with a smooth tan, but also a built-up body.
This is completely different from eating Czech sausages with beer, Greek musaka or Italian pasta.
Rule 2: Be careful with fast food
Free snacks are given to every self-respecting hotel or bar. The hand is reaching for a vase of candy. To “minimize losses,” there’s one tricky way to use a “non-working hand.” If you are right-handed, eat with your left hand and vice versa. So you will eat much less candy, cheese sticks, fatty chips, sweet grapes, candied nuts or berries, which are revered by hospitable hosts.
Rule 3: Pay special attention to what you drink
While sipping the most fragrant ice smoothies, keep in mind that they can contain a huge amount of sugar syrup. The calorie content of the most harmless drinks for the figure is 70-100 kcal. More "serious" - up to 400 kcal or more. Abuse of such cocktails is harmful to the figure. Ask the bartender to make you a drink without syrup.
A good alternative will be fresh juices that will be cooked with you. Moreover, in hot Egypt and sunny Turkey, fresh goods are not as expensive as in Russia. Use this!
Enjoy yourself! However, for a slim figure, juice is best consumed no later than lunch.
Do not miss the opportunity to try a great variety of teas and tonic drinks: tea with rose petals, karcade, fragrant coffee, glasse, mint tea.
Drink plenty of clean non-carbonated water.
Rule 4: Eat sweets in the morning.
Local desserts amaze with their beauty and aromas. It’s hard to resist, but the secret is that you don’t have to!
Allow yourself to enjoy baklava (400-420 kcal), churkhela (380-400 kcal), rahat-lukum (310-340 kcal) or the real halva (500-570 kcal).
In the Emirates, be sure to try asaya (a cake made of sweet sheep cheese, drenched with custard), mellabia dessert (pudding, watered with pink water) and pistachio baklava. In Turkey - sesame halva, dry sweet vermichel, delicious dried large dates, crispy kadaif (pistachios, sherbet and dough in the form of thin threads), unusual kunefe (gentle dough, sherbet and cheese) and the most diverse delicious baklava. And in Egypt - delicious umm-ali (layered dough with nuts, coconut, raisins, baked in milk and whipped cream), moderately sweet mukhallabia (milk rice with nuts and butter), cakes on orange water.
If your program includes hiking in the mountains, water aerobics or scuba diving, then one croissant with chocolate, a portion of sherbet, kurabje or Arabic pudding with fruit syrup for breakfast will not harm your figure.
Rule5 Try not to pounce on food on the first day, putting a five-course dinner on a plate.
First of all, your body must adapt to the local climate and water. Even if the holiday is short, you will have time to try everything. Overeating, you can deprive yourself of the pleasure of vacation and risk spending time in the room due to sudden stomach problems.
Rule 6 Before you go down to breakfast, drink a glass of cool clean water on an empty stomach.
As long as you reach a restaurant or cafe, the feeling of hunger will be dulled. Breakfast is best with meals rich in carbohydrates to get an energy charge for the whole day.
Egyptians eat beans with vegetables brewed in sour sauce or bean cutlets for breakfast. In India, you can offer masala dosa (a large crispy tortilla made of lentil and rice flour with a filling of potatoes) with sambar sauce (lentils, spices, vegetables) and chutney (with an exotic coconut note). Vietnamese prefer for breakfast their special soup pho on a rich beef broth, with rice noodles, beef cutting, spices and lemon. And in Bolivia, you can taste for breakfast a special dish of saltenya, very similar to a pie with meat, but much more tasty.
What about Malay breakfast? The locals came up with their own morning dish - nasi lemak - rice cooked in coconut milk with anchovies, eggs, peanuts and cucumber pieces. And all that hearty splendor is wrapped in a banana leaf.
Rule 7 Don't miss lunch.
Having lunch on time, you won’t pounce on a plate of food at dinner. Lunch start with light vegetable salads and snacks without mayonnaise and fatty sauces, which you will definitely find among the variety of dishes of the resort restaurant.
Bread-salted Poles will offer you the first, second and dessert. It is better to refuse dessert, and choose one dish for lunch. Very tasty soup zurek (from rye flour), chicken broth, borscht or hearty pea soup. From the second dishes - flasks (a scar with vegetables, spices and grated spicy cheese), bedbugs - fish fillets in dill sauce, bigos (a dish of fresh or sauerkraut, stewed with meat and spices).
In Turkey – shish-kebab, cooked on coals (meat dish), boiled for a couple of kefte (meatballs made of meat), dener-kebal (beef steak, roasted on coals) or stunning Turkish pilaf.
In Finland, be sure to try lohikeytto (creamy salmon soup), graavi lohi (rainbow trout in its own juice), rosolli (herring salad) or mati (fish caviar with onions and sour cream).
Rule 8 The best dinner is meat, seafood and, of course, fresh vegetables.
This rule works even in Africa. If you prefer meat, choose baked on a spit. With this method of cooking, the maximum amount of fat is lost from meat.
Dinner in Turkey is a whole ritual, and the variety of dishes can shock any tourist: snacks, main dishes and a mandatory dessert. However, dinner without harm to the figure is quite possible. Dolma (rice pilaf with spices, wrapped in grape leaves), jadzhik (yogurt with cucumber), baked meat or fish, boiled shrimp - a good dinner, not harming the figure.
Traveling in France, you can not take the opportunity and not try seafood baked in pots or in your own shells. Scallops with mushrooms, cheese and white wine, lobster with baked vegetables on the grill, shellfish with garlic, herbs and shallots are just an ideal option for a tourist dinner!
And in temperamental Spain, taste delicious seafood paella, an ear made of squid and shrimp and a refreshing gazpacho (cold tomato soup).
After dinner, it’s time to go for a romantic walk along the evening promenade.
Rule 9: Choose the right dishes
If you are in a self-catering restaurant, take a smaller plate, and a glass or glass - a tighter and higher. The same amount of food on two different dishes looks different. A small wide glass or glass can hold more liquid than a narrow and tall one.
Have a great holiday and only bright emotions!
Source: domashniy.ru/