Why spend money on educational books?

Why spend money on pedagogy books when it's better to pay investigators, lawyers and judges? In the bookstore there are books on cooking and pedagogy. People are not stupid. People only take books on cooking, and no one needs pedagogy.
Guys, he's smart. I took the book 1000 delicious dishes, read the recipe from it, and in an hour the dish is ready. And pedagogy? As long as you form a positive character trait, a hundred sweats will do. Why even read this pedagogy? Our mother raised us and we will raise our children somehow. Why spend money on children’s books? This is ridiculous. Fuck you, not the money. We'd rather save.
People do not tolerate pedagogy. Fifteen years later, the children grew up and went straight to the police. Oh, what activity starts. I'm in jail. Visits are made by parents to lawyers and judges. Well, a little money. The road to lawyers passes by a bookstore where books on pedagogy are dusting.
We confess to you honestly and frankly, a book for 50 rubles on pedagogy is expensive for us, but 50 thousand rubles to lawyers, investigators, judges - just right. Yes, the people are smart, you can't fool them. In the theater of the absurd, the roles are distributed as follows. Lawyers, judges - the role of the golden spider. Children are the victim.
Written by Efim Reitblat
Source: globalscience.ru
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