How to properly store money

It often happens that you earn enough, but still not enough money. It feels like they are disappearing somewhere. And then there are periods in life when all money matters seem to stop and no profit comes. Of course, you can say that you need to spend less or explain everything by a difficult period.

However, esotericists have a completely different opinion on this matter. They believe that all the problems with money are due to the fact that we mishandle them. Editorial "Site" It tells you where to store money and how to treat it so that savings only multiply.

How to multiply money In order for money to linger with you and multiply, you need to store them correctly and treat them carefully. As they say, money loves order and respect. Even if you don’t believe in these things, they work. There are 7 most important rules for keeping money, and we’ll talk about them.

  1. Respect for money
    Let’s start with the main thing – the wallet. Most often, we keep money in our wallet and carry it with us, so this rule is most important. First, the wallet itself must be beautiful and expensive, so that the money was comfortable in it. Secondly, the bills in the wallet should lie flat and face you. A wallet is just a place for money. You can't wear all sorts of paper, checks and stuff. It is believed that this only attracts new spending. Money should be arranged in order, face to one side and in no case upside down. Also, money can not be clumped, bent and folded.


  2. Money mascot
    Believe it or not, talismans work. The amulet can be a lucky coin or bill, as well as a specially purchased talisman. The main thing is that you feel that this amulet has good energy and will help you earn money. Keep such a thing near the money, from time to time taking it out to charge with your energy. Find out which money mascot is considered the most successful and attracts wealth to the house.

  3. Unique bill
    Continuing the theme of talismans, it is worth talking about a unique amulet. This is a bill, the number of which corresponds to two or three, and ideally four numbers of your year of birth. Such a bill will definitely bring luck, but it can not be searched for and exchanged, it must find you yourself. Just pay attention to it.

  4. Empty purse
    A wallet that does not have a single bill is a bad omen. Never leave your wallet empty, leave at least one bill in it. It is best to put a happy bill in it that you will never spend. The wallet will not be empty, and the talisman will attract money.

  5. The money should stay at home.
    All the money received, whether it is a salary, a repaid debt or a loan, must spend the night at home. Don’t spend money the same day, so it will never stay with you. Just received money charges your aura with money energy, which attracts new income. Do not rush to spend, let the money settle at home.

  6. Money in a bundle
    If you keep cash at home, then consider an important rule: you can not keep money in bundles with an odd number of banknotes. Every bill has to have a pair, or the money will be gone. In addition, you can not keep money in a pack of 50 grand. As they say, five dozen is a drawback.

  7. The Element of Money
    Land and metal are considered to be monetary elements, so it is very important to keep money close to the sources of this energy. And if the idea of storing them at the bottom of a pot of earth is a little strange, then here's a metal bill holder sounds much better. You can also tie money with a metal thread or keep a metal talisman in your wallet.

These rules will certainly help to increase savings and attract money into your life. You may not believe it, but it is worth a try!

You want to get rich? Then learn the secret formula of Louise Hay, it will help to attract wealth.

In addition to complying with these rules, you need to take care not to waste money. We recently learned how to save money.

Do you use these rules? Tell me in the comments.


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