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My blind space

We were lucky enough to chat with the world's only deafblind Professor of psychology Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov. Communication was held thanks to Oleg – named son, friend and associate of Alexander Vasilyevich. All the questions Oleg passed the Professor into the palm through the thumb (manual) alphabet. The answer we heard from the very lips of Alexander Vasilyevich. We talked about this complex and multifaceted process such as the development of personality.

Alexander lost his sight at the age of three, hearing is 9 years old. Blindness came suddenly. In the garden of little Sasha and her family were collected fallen apples, and in a moment the mother noticed that Sasha's not looking at apples and looking for their hands in the grass to the touch.

Aleksandr's mother always wanted her son was well educated, and she gave it to the school for the blind in the city of Frunze. After the onset of deafness mom learned about an orphanage for the deaf-blind in Zagorsk and took his son to study there. From the very beginning Sasha is an unusual and inquisitive child: he enjoys studying, loves to read, began to write first poems, comes with the teachers in the discussion. In the Zagorsk children's home, he met the Soviet philosopher Evald Ilankovan and later became one of the four deaf-blind students of psychological faculty of MSU.

Today, Alexander Suvorov – the doctor of psychological Sciences, Professor, Creator of the author's directions in psychology "School of mutual humanity", teaches at the Moscow city psychological-pedagogical University (MGPPU) and other universities – teaches students-psychologists work with deaf-blind children. In 1991 Susquahanna University (USA) conferred on him the title of honorary international doctor of Humanities. Since 1999, the Suvorov, the full member of International Academy of Informatization at the UN. Also Alexander – the scientific consultant of the public organization of invalids "Children's order of mercy". And the international Association of children's funds awarded him a Gold medal named after Lev Tolstoy. In Russia this award only three teachers. Children are generally very fond of Alexander, and probably why he was nicknamed "baby hanger".

– Alexander Vasilievich, what is education and what is the role of the teacher?

Teachers were the vast majority of great teachers such as Makarenko, as my teacher.. My other teacher – academician of BIM-bad follower Ushinsky, and he sought to create a universal, truly comprehensive approach to personality. He has developed a pedagogical anthropology. BIM-bad determines the formation of personality as a Trinity of training, education and development. It is both an educator and practitioner, and theorist, and teacher. And most importantly is a friend of the pupil, the student who fascinates him and stimulates his own work, his own activity. In this context, there are several aphoristic statements: "the Teacher, the teacher is the organizer of children's joy." On this side we are adjacent to Sukhomlinsky. There is only one reflective method of education is to educate himself, and does not work on the principle of "Do what I say not what I do."

– It turns out that the parent, tutor, it is important to do, first and foremost, to ourselves and make it public, visible and child-friendly way?

Parent, first of all, he should do something that encourages the child, and if there is a mismatch, though not surprised, that the child will choose rather ugly than beautiful words. In addition, parents should be extremely sincere. In one book on pedagogy called "It's you", tells about a single dad who got confused in the relations with their two children. He kept a diary in which he described his mistakes and cursed himself for them, and at some point he started to "forget" it in a prominent place. Children began reading him, and dad to notice a more lenient attitude on the part of children, greater understanding, and the conflicts became less. Therefore, education is probably the best policy – no politics. I actually confess it in practice.

From Ustinov is a wonderful work – "pinch tips" and other tips there is this: "educate", that is, do not read notation, but live with life. And nothing fake – everything should be real. Not "become a man" and be a man here and now. I was in this sense easier, because of deaf-blindness. I'm real, not fake in need of assistance and responsible to me with respect. And there is no need to moralize that you have to be good and moral – the situation itself demands it. So it was with Oleg, so it was long before him, with other guys – it always has been and with everyone I encountered. Simply put, it is not necessary to preach – preaches the situation itself.

Alexander Suvorov in the process of working with a computer equipped with a Braille display.

– Today, a common technique when artificially created crisis environment, and man placed in it intentionally. It is believed that, to cope with the crisis, we progress in its development is a step above. Should the education through overcoming?

This is a dangerous formulation. You can create these crises on idol. Something similar, unfortunately, professed Arkady Gaidar – he actually taught soldiers, future soldiers. The same can be said about Makarenko. But, in my opinion, education should go through the mutual understanding, mutual trust and using it to push off from the challenges of life, it is a natural call, not necessarily extreme – they just are, and nothing artificial.

– If to speak about the stages of a growing personality 200 years ago and now there is a feeling that now this process is slower later. The same Pushkin, Lermontov to 30 years have been implemented as individual...

You're generalizing, in my opinion. 30 years is really implemented, but probably not as individuals, but as officials, if we have in mind the so-called "educated classes" who dominate the bureaucracy, the nobility, the merchants. And, again, in different ways: depends, depends when, depends under what circumstances. But if we are talking about the working or peasant castle, what achievements could be 30 years from them? Actually nothing much has changed. Each increasing measure his pace: someone today to 30 years achieves much; someone seems to be nothing, and before you know – suddenly some jerk; and someone, maybe nothing special at all and did not achieve: earn a living, start a family, factories and raised children. And what is the measure to measure? The successful careerist, Minister? Why? Here's the thing, and at this meet, all teachers, psychologists. Children are not the subject of our vanity, children have their own destiny. And they are absolutely not required to realize our dreams about them. For example, I could dream about Oleg as his disciple, the follower, the follower of trails. And he became a photographer, and went his way. Long live Pushkin: "the Delirium of their own way, whether anyone in his way". And I do not insist on anything.

– How to teach children to move independently, like how to dream? Self-development because without dreams is impossible. Most often this is contrary to what is happening around you, what they do others.

There are things that can be taught. But the dream can not be taught. The dream – she only own dream, you can learn the most. As soon as we begin the dream of teaching – it ceases to be a dream. In fact, it becomes our dream, must be a dream child. I should probably try to get the child needed our cooperation, our Council has entrusted us to was willing to work together with us. In the framework of the theory, which I profess, and teach, this is called "jointly divided dosed activities." Dispensed the activity of an adult educator, is dosed to decrease any incentive, promotion, extension children's activities – therefore, I say "dosage". And then the child will have its own dreams. And I believe that no dream is not necessary to evaluate the terms of "fulfilled/not fulfilled". Let the deaf-blind child wants to be an astronaut, no matter what it is impossible – let dreams. Grow up – you'll see what is achievable and what is not. I wanted to be a poet – was laughing at me, not understanding the nature of their business, confusing the poet with the work of a journalist. I was asked where I will take material for poems, as I will collect material like poetry – this interview, for which you do need to collect the material. But I just ignored ' em. Don't need anything to interfere.

We can say that in some figurative sense, I became an astronaut. Understand, not necessarily to realize the dream of space literally. You can dream about space, but to work on something else, and this something else to be an astronaut, a real go-getter. And I really hope that Oleg in his fotohudozhnitsa going to be an astronaut. And I became an astronaut is, what was not looked for – in psychology, in science. Wanted to be a poet, a professional poet, but so there were circumstances that went into science, and it has implemented a lot of others, just as I am about this game, fruitlessly, for a pie dream.

– Can the dream with the age change? Or it depends not on the age and understanding of the world?

Is subject to change. For example, the meaning of life. My dream is to become a professional poet was due to the fact that I saw the meaning of life in literature. In 28 years I arrived at the Zagorsk children's home in which he was once a pupil, and was struck by the thirst for communication between children, as they were all over me, surrounded, as he pulled me through each other hands. My world turned upside down, and at this point, literature has ceased to be the meaning of life. The last and final sense is to be helpful to these kids, to satisfy their desire for fellowship. In this literary work will not go away, but now it was not in itself, but for these children, to their advantage. That's all changed and it turned out to be the main way. If not for this meeting with the children and this is not a shock, maybe, and were just a scribbler.

– How do You manage your self-development?

There are planning. But partly the situation itself controls. You have to enjoy every comer a chance. Turned up the chance to go to camp – we need to go, even if not completely convinced that there are forces in the sense of health. Turned up the chance outside of work to work somewhere else, to lecture at another University, for example – again, we need to use this, quite deliberately. It is also managing your self-development.

Before the trip I read one of your books for children – "How to comb a hedgehog". Through it, I think I saw You work with the content and subject matter. You are moving through an understanding of the differences between the terms, delineating the boundaries of the concept. Where is it?

This is from my teacher and spiritual father, the great philosopher Ilyenkov. His main book can be considered a monograph "Dialectics of the abstract and the concrete in scientific-theoretical thinking", dedicated to the movement of thought within the logic of the subject. About this book "Dialectical logic", "About the idols and ideals".

With his teacher Ewald Ilankovan.

– How, what resources can be formulated the dream of a man caught in a situation where ideas about the images come from a very limited channel?

The problem is not in the formulation. "Information channels" is poor fiction. Competent in psychological language we should not talk about the channels of information, and the sensations and perceptions, the sensory and perceptics. All formed in the process of activity, or, as said by Felix Mikhailov, friend, collaborator and follower ilenkova, also a philosopher: "Culture is not acquired, not given, and is recreated in the activities of every child", with the participation of the adults, of course. Is recreated. Recreating culture and how a wide range of culture recreated, depends – there is a dream or not and its quality. And the source of the information is not eyes, ears, hands. The source of information is the activity. It reconstructs the culture it arises, it gives us some information, it generates goals, objectives, motives. Alpha and omega is the activity. Activities throughout life, from birth to death, within human culture, as a representative of the human race, as a generic one. That is the understanding of personality, ancestral beings in the philosophy of Marxism and ilenkova including. The question of formulating a dream is not worth, is not the concern, but concern about how to act, set goals, motives, tasks, to work towards those motives of their implementation, to satisfy the need. And the language of dreams – and then, retroactively, after the won battle.

But the main conflict of my life is solved. It is a conflict of usefulness in terms of deafblindness, deafblindness the contrary, the usefulness on a human level and not discounted for disability. Now, looking back at the past decade, I can say that the universal usefulness I have attained. And it was primarily the conflict of humanity. Help me, treat me well, or rather love, but somehow love it's a shame. I willing to help, and from me nothing that is not waiting, not waiting for the return of humanity from the donkey and "kick permitted." But I'm not a jackass, here's my basic idea – the idea of mutual humanity. Disabled can you not be, but a man to be obliged, in relation to those you humanly true. Let responsively, but – man. First be for myself, then for other people with disabilities, but primarily for Teens, for children, their healthy peers. So there was the so-called "collaborative pedagogy" pedagogy is both healthy and disabled children.

A game of checkers.

When I was 13, I was very angry at his peers. What they ask, one answer – not to our capabilities. And how, Holy smoke, they know its capabilities, how such a tool they measured? Then I thought, and accidentally anticipated by Vygotsky. He has a theory of the zone of proximal development is the area where the child still can not act, but can achieve success with the help of the teacher, the interaction and cooperation with him in this together-divided activities. But I then stated: it is necessary to set a goal that seems unattainable, and then try to achieve it. If you do this, then I underestimated, it does not – there is no way that it does not work, in some measure succeed. But if you continue to work in the same direction, the level of opportunities will rise.

Dear readers, I bet not govoriti we are at the beginning of the article that our interlocutor is deaf-blind from childhood, people, you, reading interviews, never would have guessed. What has been accomplished by the teachers in conjunction with the contribution of Alexander Vasilyevich in their development, only as a miracle, probably, not called. But this is a good opportunity to think about what we have achieved in its own development, and what potential we actually possess.

And in conclusion – the case of life described by Alexander Suvorov in his book "How to comb a hedgehog":

"... I have fun to recall how before the may day holidays, me and a friend got to the police station at metro station "Medvedkovo". Pulled us out of the bus. Some drunk major imagined finger alphabet is a secret code of the Central intelligence Agency of the United States. Or any other enemy intelligence. Took our passports and brought to the police station. There we are not allowed to talk ductile – fingers. Just try my friend to talk to me – then some police lower chin with a running, gently but firmly, engages our hands. Right here: run away, and the whole body hit in our hands. I said to my friend:

– Do not translate, since they don't want your help. I now will teach a good lesson.

And with these words I went around the room. First along the wall. Then, turning to the left along some wooden structures, like the counter at the post office or savings Bank, but without the glasses. Then, again turning left along the other wall. And buried in a Desk. At the table found out my spyware the personality of the higher police official. As I approached it from the table and ran away. I wanted to force him to write with your finger on the palm of my hand... Well, thank you and on that chair was released, the only one in the room. And I stand tired. I sat down and was quietly waiting for developments. Soon I was allowed my friend making sure that I am deaf-blind and reside at the address stated in my passport. I have a lecture to officials read that not every deaf-blind similar to the deaf-blind. It's a pity the bus is pulled, and your car home drove... And was kept until almost midnight...

And repair office, and the police can be angry and not laugh. Yeah what's the use?.. For all the idiots anger is not enough. And laughter, at least, will not go crazy for a company with other idiots.

So let's laugh! Even when not to laugh... Especially when not to laugh....". published

P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©

Source: erazvitie.org/article/moj_kosmos