Extreme entertainment in which you refuse to insure - curiosities
In South Africa and Australia, the travel program can be diversified extreme, diving into the ocean directly to the sharks. You will be put in a cage, scattered around the bait and lowered into the water.
The cage does not have any acrylic and other protective walls, and from the equipment you will have only a wetsuit and a mask with a tube connected to oxygen cylinders, so it is better not to stick your hands and feet behind the bars.
What could be easier and safer than capturing an object or landscape in a photo? Actually, it is, but not if this picture is taken on the rock of Troll's tongue in Norway. First, you need to get to the place by walking along a 12-kilometer route. And then, having a little breath, gather your spirit and step on the cliff, hovering at an altitude of 800 meters above the lake, and get a picture of one of the most stunning and certainly dizzying views on the planet.
At the top of the Chinese mountain Huashan at an altitude of 2000 meters is an ancient temple. You can get to it by cable car or equipped stairs, but the most desperate are not looking for easy ways and choose to climb a narrow path from boards about 50 centimeters wide.
For insurance, travelers are fastened with cables to chains fixed in the rock.
The surroundings of Washington state can be viewed from a bird's eye view. This differs from other air adventures in that you will fly not in a comfortable cabin, but on the wing.
Of course, before that, you will be briefed and told about safety rules overboard. But how much will it help your nerves when you fly at a speed of 250 km / h fastened to the wing of the aircraft?
Before you go on a bike ride in Bolivian La Paz, it does not hurt to make a will: the route is very winding, extremely narrow, and sometimes slippery. The 60-70-kilometer stretch connects La Paz and Koroico.
There can be no talk of any asphalt, except for the first 20 km, and then only crushed stones and clay. The route begins at an altitude of 4600 meters, and ends at 1200 meters, so during the trip you can see the majestic Andes and rainforest, of course, if you dare to look elsewhere than the road.
The road in the El Chorro gorge was built - rails were hammered into the rock and boards were cast from above - in the early 19th century for workers building the dam. The width of the road is only 1 meter, while in many places part of the trail is simply absent, so officially passage on the road is prohibited.
The trail itself does not lead to any unforgettable place, offering only childish adrenaline and the opportunity to look at the surrounding panoramas from a height of 100 meters above the river.
Source: koffboy.com/