How to clean up the closet
Disorder in the wardrobe is one of the eternal sources of irritation in the house. Proper organization of space in the closet will save you from the painful search for the right thing in the morning and save space for a new sweater.
Do not waste time on creating a list of things - on paper the extra load looks much intimidating. Things you wore in school or kindergarten clearly don’t belong in the closet.
Unnecessary clothes can be given to charities, sold or sent for recycling - lists of reception points can be found in the materials of The Village, Afisha City, Big City.
Even in the most crowded closet there is often free space under the hanger, where you can store almost anything - bags, jeans or a basket with scarves and accessories.
You can also use the surface of the door or back wall of the cabinet - attach hooks for bags, ties or a hanger for jewelry to them.
Things hidden in the twilight are much harder to find - the lighting on the shelves will allow you to quickly find your favorite sweater or second sock. If you do not want to spend money on lamps, you can buy inexpensive LED flashlights on Velcro and hang them on shelves.
Treat your closet like a desktop – documents of the same subject should lie in one folder. You can group things by color, style or combinations - convenient zoning will save time for the excruciating morning gatherings.
Get rid of cheap dry-cleaning hangers - they quickly lose shape, which affects clothes. Select hangers made of wood, metal or plastic - uniformity of style in the wardrobe itself creates the appearance of order.
Do not waste time on high jumps - the cabinet should be comfortable. If space permits, buy a small staircase or a small stand that can be stored at the bottom of the cabinet.
Things that are best stored on shelves - jeans, sweaters and other large wardrobe items.
So that the stacks with clothes do not fall, you can put dividers between them for shelves. Such partitions can be ordered online or made yourself from old baskets and containers.
For those who do not like to fold things, American manufacturers offer special folders for Pliio clothes, which are nested inside T-shirts and other things and conveniently sorted into boxes. 10 grand for $20 on Amazon.
In the store "White cat" you can buy another device for folding, which will help to fold your things exactly.
If you wrap socks in a kind of bag, as many do, they quickly lose elasticity. Therefore, it is better to put one sock on the other in a straightened state and then fold them in half. Socks should also be stored in a box with dividers.
If the place allows, it is advisable to fill the bags with napkins and put them on the shelf - so they will not lose shape.
Another option is to hang the bags on the crossbar on hooks. For example, you can adapt for this hangers with clips from Ikea.
There are also special hangers for bags, which can also be used for scarves, belts and palantines.
Exterior clothes and dresses are obvious contenders for a place on the hanger. The trousers will also retain their presentation longer if you hang them in full length, hooking to the lower part. Thus, it will be possible to avoid the formation of a fold in the place where they are usually hung on the hanger.
Blouses and T-shirts made of materials that are hard to fold are also best stored on a hanger.
In shoes for the duration of storage, you need to invest special fillers so that they do not deform. High boots can be filled with crumpled newspapers or buy special liners for shoes.
If there is free space, you can hang boots on the crossbar - ordinary trouser hangers are suitable for this. Special shoe hangers can also be purchased.
Source: /users/1077
Do not waste time on creating a list of things - on paper the extra load looks much intimidating. Things you wore in school or kindergarten clearly don’t belong in the closet.
Unnecessary clothes can be given to charities, sold or sent for recycling - lists of reception points can be found in the materials of The Village, Afisha City, Big City.
Even in the most crowded closet there is often free space under the hanger, where you can store almost anything - bags, jeans or a basket with scarves and accessories.
You can also use the surface of the door or back wall of the cabinet - attach hooks for bags, ties or a hanger for jewelry to them.
Things hidden in the twilight are much harder to find - the lighting on the shelves will allow you to quickly find your favorite sweater or second sock. If you do not want to spend money on lamps, you can buy inexpensive LED flashlights on Velcro and hang them on shelves.
Treat your closet like a desktop – documents of the same subject should lie in one folder. You can group things by color, style or combinations - convenient zoning will save time for the excruciating morning gatherings.
Get rid of cheap dry-cleaning hangers - they quickly lose shape, which affects clothes. Select hangers made of wood, metal or plastic - uniformity of style in the wardrobe itself creates the appearance of order.
Do not waste time on high jumps - the cabinet should be comfortable. If space permits, buy a small staircase or a small stand that can be stored at the bottom of the cabinet.
Things that are best stored on shelves - jeans, sweaters and other large wardrobe items.
So that the stacks with clothes do not fall, you can put dividers between them for shelves. Such partitions can be ordered online or made yourself from old baskets and containers.
For those who do not like to fold things, American manufacturers offer special folders for Pliio clothes, which are nested inside T-shirts and other things and conveniently sorted into boxes. 10 grand for $20 on Amazon.
In the store "White cat" you can buy another device for folding, which will help to fold your things exactly.
If you wrap socks in a kind of bag, as many do, they quickly lose elasticity. Therefore, it is better to put one sock on the other in a straightened state and then fold them in half. Socks should also be stored in a box with dividers.
If the place allows, it is advisable to fill the bags with napkins and put them on the shelf - so they will not lose shape.
Another option is to hang the bags on the crossbar on hooks. For example, you can adapt for this hangers with clips from Ikea.
There are also special hangers for bags, which can also be used for scarves, belts and palantines.
Exterior clothes and dresses are obvious contenders for a place on the hanger. The trousers will also retain their presentation longer if you hang them in full length, hooking to the lower part. Thus, it will be possible to avoid the formation of a fold in the place where they are usually hung on the hanger.
Blouses and T-shirts made of materials that are hard to fold are also best stored on a hanger.
In shoes for the duration of storage, you need to invest special fillers so that they do not deform. High boots can be filled with crumpled newspapers or buy special liners for shoes.
If there is free space, you can hang boots on the crossbar - ordinary trouser hangers are suitable for this. Special shoe hangers can also be purchased.
Source: /users/1077
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