How to build a henhouse with your own hands

Many of us, the true patriots of country leisure, seeing the huge amount of food waste and crop residues, many times thought about purchasing chickens.
This bird is not whimsical, omnivorous, though a bit curious and not entirely clever, but the plot always fresh product, eggs, and poultry manure — excellent fertiliser for all plants. Afraid of the lack of coop and information how to build it? Then this article will help you to solve many questions, telling how to build a henhouse with your own hands. If you are an adherent of German discipline and order and going to keep these birds in special cages with the feed distributor and avtopoilki, with the slope of the eggs in special trays and automatic cleaning of droppings, then you probably better to order a project of a chicken coop in the specialized design organization.
Because in addition to the design of the coop you will need a calculation of air exchange in the chicken coop, the optimal temperature, filter, wash off the waste and a balanced diet feeding the hens. All this can be avoided if your chickens will walk, albeit in a limited area, but to move, not sit in a cage, paws tearing the ground to look for worms, stones, one of them led vitamins, sun, and "dust" baths. Ripped out the weeds just crushed and thrown through the barrage net and not hear a portion of each hen. But if you will allow a Cockerel, he is able to restore order in the chicken coop to protect your chickens from unwanted guests.
In order to contain the chickens free-range, fairly light room where the bird spends the night hiding from the weather.
If you are planning a year-round content, easy the premise is simple enough to insulate and equip the vestibule, so the cold did not penetrate directly into the coop, and overcome the temperature barrier.
Frame construction here are the most efficient, as virtually everyone is able to dug into the ground several posts, and sheathing them in any material inside and outside.
The void created between the panels, fill any insulation, including the usual filling with sawdust. I hope you realize that if you like capital construction, settling Foundation, built stone walls, laid communication.
The estimated area of a comfortable stay for 4 chicken soul is 1 m2. But I always recommend to add a little more to grow, because poultry production is a fascinating thing and often the number is growing rapidly.
For the construction of a chicken coop is better to choose the hill, and in the absence, you can make yourself from clay and debris.
To prevent the entry of rats and other predators into the coop through the floor, it can be made concrete, but rather, say, the clay generously to add broken glass. Not too tough "beasts" and the usual brick floor, laid on the ground, on top of which a light screed.
Even in summer it is better to sprinkle the floors with sawdust, to allow you to remove unwanted "night" and street moisture, find the chickens any leftover food, and keep the room clean. The entrance to the poultry house equip on the South side, the bird is still warm-blooded, likes to warm up and take a NAP in the sun.
Many are skeptical about whitewashing or painting the walls in bright colors, but in vain. Light is necessary for the life cycle of chickens, so small window and white walls is enough to ensure this vital component. A regularly updated whitewashing in addition destroys chicken infection and parasites, not allowing them to organize their colonies.
Half of his life hen spends in the nest, so a properly equipped roosts do not hurt the bird, leaving its energy in egg production or weight gain. Therefore, it is preferable rectangular, and not round the perch-size 4*6 cm, at a height of 60-80 cm from the floor.
If perches are multiple, they are located on the same level with the distance between the rows up to half a meter, but in any case, neither one above the other, all will try to get to the top, leaving the weak at the bottom and in the litter.
Chicken sit tight, it's warmer, so the length of the pole determine the visual or the rate of 15-20 cm on "birdie". The convenience of the pole is determined by the behavior of chickens. If they fly from roosting and immediately begin to move easily, and not sit around and stretching my legs, the roost successful.
Don't forget in the heat of the "light" construction to provide ventilation as stale air never helped. Common pipe in the ceiling with a diameter of 150-200cm, best of boards, does not condensate, to cope with the change of air at 6-10m2. The flow of air in such ventilation is through the open door, or the chick hole. In the winter the room is only occasionally ventilated, and the pipe corny shut up any cloth.
I deliberately don't talk about the feeders, drinking bowls and the arrangement of the places of laying eggs, since it's more related to the content of the chickens, not the device of a chicken coop. But as advice I can add that before the coop it is advisable to install a shelter from rain and some protection from wind, because even in autumn mud hens prefer "will" in a lull, and not the boring coop.
Here's an example for the coop — a novice birder such premises in full enough to hold 5-10 birds.
Very convenient to any place (house, cottage). The house and the paddock, "mobile" can be disassembled and moved to any convenient place. A small compartment allows you to remove the eggs without disturbing the bird, and the bird cleaning facilities, litter, wakes up in malnourished installed in the inside as a floor.
Source: secretdachi.ru
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