When depression useful work

A team of researchers from the universities of Melbourne and Tasmania found that attending work while depressive illness helps people better manage this condition.
A study by Australian scientists were the first to have evaluated the long term costs in the absence of depression and implications for health. Dr. Fiona Cocker said: "We found that continuing to work while experiencing a depressive illness, the employee may obtain certain health benefits, while the absence from work offers no significant improvement in health status or quality of life."
The researchers calculated the costs based on loss of productivity, costs associated with treatment and use of medical services and the cost of replacing an employee who is absent from work. The expert added: "This is important information for employers, professionals in the field of health and people who are faced with the decision about whether to continue work or to take sick leave. In the future, necessary policy, which aims to promote further attendance of work using a flexible work schedule, modification of tasks or working environment."
Source: nauka24news.ru/