Ways of manipulating people and how to not become a victim

Recently, the Network increasingly discussed the problem of human manipulation, the imposition of other people's opinions and views, turning society into mindless mass. The short list of the most common techniques and rules which help to persuade, arrange, inspire and otherwise affect people, and ways to defend against social manipulation.
Social proof principle, social proof
In the Soviet Union people first stand in line, and only then wondered where it leads. "If all these people are waiting, it means that the product is good" — every thought. The very existence of the queue signaled value of the product. Thus, in Soviet society manifested the principle of social proof. Based on the herd instinct, it is the imitation of the behavior of the majority and is a fail-safe function of our brains, liberating the latter from having to process unnecessary information. In it lies the nature of the mainstream.
Especially effective is the principle of social proof works when a person is in confusing or ambiguous situations, and he has no time in it to really find out. "In any unclear situation do as all" — Social Proof will solve all problems. When we want to buy a new gadget and puzzled over what model to choose, the decisive criterion for us is often reviews and ratings. The principle of social proof is deeply rooted in modern business. No longer need to prove to potential clients how the product is good, suffice it to say that the majority thinks.
Today marketers strongly recommend owners of websites and different pages not to advertise the counters if the indicators on them modest. A great number of followers is the best quality mark and the reason is also to subscribe. This applies to website traffic.
Another painful example of the use of the principle of social proof — sketches and comic series. Viewers often complain that their annoying background laughter after every joke. Nevertheless, the efficiency of the method is not affected. People tend to focus on the reactions of others when determining what is funny and often react in earnest, and its accompanying laugh track.
By the way, Social proof was the basis for the emergence of certain professions. For example, clap — a man who, for a fee, comes to the speech, the loudest applause and shouts of "Bravo!", or the classic example — the mourners, "mood" at the funeral in Brazil or the Philippines.
Method of group reinforcement
This technique is sometimes common with the previous one, but, in contrast, focuses on changing human beliefs than behavior. According to this principle, multiple repetition of the same thesis (ideas, concepts) inside a group, its members will eventually accept this assertion as truth. American academic and writer Robert Carroll emphasizes that repeated judgment does not necessarily have to be true. Believe in it no matter how it is theoretically or practically proven. Moreover, it is believed that people take on faith, without critical evaluation, any group of values, ideas, doctrines, if identificeret themselves with this group and don't want to be outcasts. It is a mental phenomenon and a manifestation of conformism called indoctrination. The opposite of indoctrination phenomena: "social autonomy", "critical", "non-conformism".
A colorful example of the method of group reinforcements are stereotypes, myths and legends, which wander from generation to generation. In addition, the device is actively used media and is an effective tool in information wars. With the help of clever manipulation of facts and different speech above media, we impose certain beliefs through the systematic repetition of the same thoughts. To combat such trends in the curricula of some countries implemented a media education course is designed to develop people of all ages critical thinking.
Source: www.ecology.md