Rejuvenating Apple mask for skin

Apple is known as a useful and delicious fruit, but it can still be used as an ingredient to prepare some good facial mask, and it is suitable for any skin type. Mask with Apple will improve the complexion, improve skin, nourish her and keep her as young and attractive.
Beauty tips:
Apple masks are not suitable for storage. To be done directly before use.
To apply these masks should only in the freshly prepared form.
If after applying the mask you feel a slight tingling, a burning sensation, it may be a manifestation of allergic reactions and mask maybe better to wash in order to avoid negative consequences.
Recipe for instant Apple livingingreece:
Three tablespoons of hot milk, a tablespoon of oat flakes, one egg yolk, one Apple
Pour warm milk cereal. Give filled oatmeal to steep for about 10 minutes. Take an Apple and grate it on a grater. Grated Apple, mix with beaten egg yolk.
The mask should be applied on an already clean face. The mask keep on face for at least 10 minutes. Rinse it with warm water. The effect of this mask is that the skin will be tightened, the person acquires a healthy and fresh look.
Apple nutritional maskingatan:
Apple, boiled potatoes, egg yolk, vegetable oil.
Pre-clearing the potatoes, mash it with a fork and add the remaining components (peeled Apple needs to turn into a puree).
Once all the ingredients are thoroughly mix, poppy seeds ready to apply on face. When the mixture will already be on face desirable to lie down, and the mask can be covered with a damp towel. Let the mask is on the face for 10 minutes, after which rinse it was washed face with warm water.
This mask the skin will be well relaxed and energized. Masks of this type are also suitable for sensitive skin.
Mask to hydrate and maintain thousandsrangeentry:
Half an Apple (ripe), a teaspoon of ascorbic acid from vials, a tablespoon of honey, teaspoon of vegetable oil, and Apple cider vinegar, egg yolk.
Preparation and application:
Make puree of half of the Apple, add the remaining ingredients — mix well and apply the mask. Hold the mask for half an hour and rinse with water.
As a result, the skin will be well toned. For dehydrated and dry skin, this mask is indispensable.
Rejuvenating Apple maskingatan:
One small Apple, teaspoon of honey, tablespoon of olive oil.
Cooking Apple mask:
Cut out the Apple core and bake apples in the oven and then grind it. Honey and olive oil add to applesauce. The mask will be ready once all ingredients are mixed.
The application of Apple mask:
This mask is applied for 20 minutes. Rinse it with warm water. After the mask the skin can be moistened with some nutritious vegetable oil or cream homemade natural ingredients.
Mask with baked Apple will increase the skin's firmness and elasticity.
Source: lubim-zhizn.ru/
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