The teacher could not watch as mocked the disciples and came up with this!
Some of the children, a little different from the others, immediately become victims of school jeers, the subject of mockery of his classmates. Help these students wait almost nowhere - teachers and parents are able to stop the abuse only for a while. To achieve better results, it is necessary to change the children inside, from childhood nurturing in them empathy and generosity. One teacher shared her unusual experience in social networks:
«today I went to the store before work, I bought two apples. During class hours the boys sat in a circle, and then I showed them the best two apples and asked them to find the differences. Differences in fact was not - the same shape, same color. An apple can be, and it was a little smaller and paler than the other, but there was no significant difference. The children were silent.
I took an apple smaller, looked at him in disgust and said, "fuuu! What a nasty apple! "And then threw it on the floor. My guys were looking at me like I was crazy! Some laughed, but the majority just sat with square eyes. I think, probably, that the teacher crazy!
I picked up the unfortunate apple, gave his pupil, sitting beside him and said, "Look here, it's a stupid apple you so that does not seem ?! Obzovu it somehow and throw it on the floor - let them know "child obediently follow the instructions given!. "Now pass it around, let everyone tell him a couple of" good "words, and then thrown to the floor, too!" - I continued.
Guys, it must be said, I went. Creativity insults everyone had enough: "You've got a nasty skin stand her I can not! You too short stick! Color - horror! Yes you some worms! Ugh! "And so on. D., And so on. N. I even felt sorry for this poor fruit ... have already begun to think about how to save him ... Well, okay.
When poor apple back to me, I put him in his place again and ask the children to find differences. The children could not answer again - nothing visible was not. As much as they are not throwing an apple on the floor, serious external damage it has not received.
I took a knife and cut a bright apple, something over which they have failed to make fun of. It looked inside, of course, cool, and my children were drowned in delight. Oh ... Oh ... Wow.
Then I took our "victim" and also cut it in half (poor apple also killed in the end). Inside it was brown, all in "black and blue" from our "beating". There it is, of course, no one wanted - it looked disgusting. "Ugh! So disgusting! I do not want this apple! "- Sounded something like children's reviews.
I stared at them and asked, "But do not we have done this apple so ?! Is not our fault that now it is beaten and looks awful? We did ... Why do it now not to eat, m "Deathly silence ... enjoy it a moment, I continued:" Guys ... So it is with people. When we called him, insult and humiliate someone, we throw it on the floor ... Just like this apple. Externally, we have their wounds, of course, will not notice, but they are in, believe me, will be destroyed. We are destroying the people inside. LIKE THIS! - I showed them closer killed us apple. - That's what we do with each other! We should stop throwing each other to the floor once and for all. "
Before my children have never nothing came so quickly! They all began to share their experiences, to tell how it hurt when over you bullied ... We all burst into tears on stage, and then laughed. After the lesson, they climbed up to me to hug, then started hugging each other ... I'm so happy that they realized! »
Sometimes children and adolescents can be very difficult to understand the pain of others. Adults just have to help them do that.
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«today I went to the store before work, I bought two apples. During class hours the boys sat in a circle, and then I showed them the best two apples and asked them to find the differences. Differences in fact was not - the same shape, same color. An apple can be, and it was a little smaller and paler than the other, but there was no significant difference. The children were silent.

I took an apple smaller, looked at him in disgust and said, "fuuu! What a nasty apple! "And then threw it on the floor. My guys were looking at me like I was crazy! Some laughed, but the majority just sat with square eyes. I think, probably, that the teacher crazy!
I picked up the unfortunate apple, gave his pupil, sitting beside him and said, "Look here, it's a stupid apple you so that does not seem ?! Obzovu it somehow and throw it on the floor - let them know "child obediently follow the instructions given!. "Now pass it around, let everyone tell him a couple of" good "words, and then thrown to the floor, too!" - I continued.
Guys, it must be said, I went. Creativity insults everyone had enough: "You've got a nasty skin stand her I can not! You too short stick! Color - horror! Yes you some worms! Ugh! "And so on. D., And so on. N. I even felt sorry for this poor fruit ... have already begun to think about how to save him ... Well, okay.
When poor apple back to me, I put him in his place again and ask the children to find differences. The children could not answer again - nothing visible was not. As much as they are not throwing an apple on the floor, serious external damage it has not received.

I took a knife and cut a bright apple, something over which they have failed to make fun of. It looked inside, of course, cool, and my children were drowned in delight. Oh ... Oh ... Wow.
Then I took our "victim" and also cut it in half (poor apple also killed in the end). Inside it was brown, all in "black and blue" from our "beating". There it is, of course, no one wanted - it looked disgusting. "Ugh! So disgusting! I do not want this apple! "- Sounded something like children's reviews.
I stared at them and asked, "But do not we have done this apple so ?! Is not our fault that now it is beaten and looks awful? We did ... Why do it now not to eat, m "Deathly silence ... enjoy it a moment, I continued:" Guys ... So it is with people. When we called him, insult and humiliate someone, we throw it on the floor ... Just like this apple. Externally, we have their wounds, of course, will not notice, but they are in, believe me, will be destroyed. We are destroying the people inside. LIKE THIS! - I showed them closer killed us apple. - That's what we do with each other! We should stop throwing each other to the floor once and for all. "

Before my children have never nothing came so quickly! They all began to share their experiences, to tell how it hurt when over you bullied ... We all burst into tears on stage, and then laughed. After the lesson, they climbed up to me to hug, then started hugging each other ... I'm so happy that they realized! »

Sometimes children and adolescents can be very difficult to understand the pain of others. Adults just have to help them do that.
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15 candid confessions from internet beginners dads
The kid ran straight into the hands of strangers. Later, in an event impossible to believe!