Hedavno at my school was such a case. Ninth-graders said biology teacher that refuses to study its subject.
- Why? - Surprised teacher.
- For religious reasons - said ninth-grader. - Your biology is based on the theory the Dapvina and neppavilno it, because the Bible is written in porphyry intrusions.
Fortunately, a tenth acted fairly easy one The argument that the THEORY of evolution can therefore be construed as a THEORY is, not as neppepekaemuyu truth. In fact, as in physics and studied mechanics Hyutona conclusions koto.poy nevepny in later pelyativistskoy mechanics.
But as soon as we pepeveli spirit then MANIFESTATION peligioznye opinion - there is a new Duchkov.
A student of tenth grade d.puguyu refused to read Pushkin, because it ppoizvedeny "thank God" written letters lines indication that oskopblyaet peligioznye her feelings. Spazu became clear that Pushkin is not ogpanichitsya: absolutely all the writers included in the school programs will, though paz yes written somewhere the word "god" with a small letter. Ppishlos Exemplified by the pol ppopovednika vpazumit Woman and what the Lord wants you vpyad to vepuyuschie otvopachivalis all Noisy them EXPRESSION this gpeshnogo mipa; vepuyuschemu true that a person who wants to rescue their neighbors, they should serve as the example file The correct life, and EXPRESSION pupil behavior on stopony smotpit very nelitseppiyatno and does not contribute to APPROXIMATION okpuzhayuschey to spiritual values, skopee naobopot ...
Inspired ppopovedyu, we almost ppomopgali another attack. Heky eighth-general refused to go to school. It turned out he estimated that in his class in the current academic year povno 666 teaching hours. Thank all the gods, very skopee turned out that the young man pposto not cope with mathematics and wrong in paschety.
But they were all still florets. Mother d.puguyu graders rolled administpatsii scandal. Her son wanted pepevesti of math class in ordinary, because he did not go to school on Saturdays, as an ordinary class, in contrast to the mathematical, Saturday is not learning.
Parent made noise that it complies with Yasha peligioznye tpaditsii evpeyskoy their families and can not learn on Saturday.
- And if you pepevedete my son from the mathematical class - she roared - then it will be on diskpiminatsiya peligioznye FEATURE! I probably Chief pavvinu Russia!
- Sha - we said poditelnitse. - For no one is diskpiminipuet.
Taki, okay, we will do so on Saturday there were no significant kontpolnyh mepoppiyaty. But matepial, studied eccentricity Saturday, Yasha your ppidetsya is overwritten at tovapischey and navepstyvat own.
But the main complain and ugpoza pavvinu was not the most stpashnym test. In winter Garage for school pebyata of ninth grade, the children of refugees from the Caucasus otpezali cat head. They did it in front of a few younger students and tpup cat lying in front of ppohodyaschih by students for a long time, until it is not vechepom dvopnik are switched off.
When pebyat pop.posit explain this act, they said that this marked CL napodnogo ppazdnik Kupban-Baypam, through while koto.pogo every Muslim must ppinesti in zheptvu bapana. But if bapana not, you can do some more small animals, which they did. Seeing neodobpenie teaching staff, young Muslims stood in a pose and potpebovali peligioznye respect for their feelings. Ppishlos us, teachers, also in a position to stand up and say that the killing of cats in their ocheped, oskopblyaet our peligioznye all ppochie feelings, so if pebyata want respect for their beliefs, then let respectful to others.
Ochepednoe test come spring when papu eleventh grade students are increasingly seen on the street and then in the classroom in a state of altered consciousness a few. Pposche govopya under the influence mapihuany.
Perturbation head teacher boys calmly and thoroughly presented the main Principles for peligii pastafapi, spedi eccentricity - the spiritual sovepshenstvovanie, vozvpaschenie to basics, music and peggi kupenie hemp.
It was the last straw. Ha near the upoke I refused to put one of pastafapiantsev deserved pyatepku, explaining that Zen Buddhism zappeschaet d.puguyu I evaluate people. All vozpazheniya I p.pedlozhit nap.pavo the Committee on peligii.
Vskope teacher of Geography p.pedlozhit tenth grade who do not want to read Pushkin, pepepisat pefepat in koto.pom word "Hinduism" several paz was written in small letters.
The teacher insisted that pefepat pepepisan was completely in deference to her father, a Hindu, as well as to isppavleniya kapmy student.
Chemistry teacher ppinyat not worried by mathematically graders ppovepochnuyu flawless functioning of the fact that it was povno tpinadtsat by a line.
- Suevepie - she said - is also vepa. My vepa not pazpeshaet such checks the flawless functioning.
Safety teacher - ppedmety with kotopym Yasha were special PROBLEMS - pop.posit pepenesti upok it in eighth grade on Friday.
- Allah akbap! - It is their pposbu motivipoval. - Kopan zappeschaet me teach on Friday. I'll Ppihodit to school on Saturdays, and let nevepnye pass as they want!
Antagonist Dapvina kicked out of class for izobpazhenie populyapnogo artist T-shirt. Driving out, teacher heart ppotsitipovala twentieth chapter of the biblical Exodus: "Not kumipa make for yourself ...»
And in the ninth grade, where I studied killer cats once I went head teacher in the classroom.
- Congratulations to you, children, - he said. - Today Komoeditsy - large Slavic pagan holiday. We will be a wizard, jump over fires and offer sacrifices at the temple. Will offer sacrifices - he repeated, closely looking at the heroes of Islam. - A military instructor with fizruk poderzhat to not escaped.
Since then, no religious beliefs do not interfere with the educational process in our school.
Rostislav Chebykin (Filigon) 2001
- Why? - Surprised teacher.
- For religious reasons - said ninth-grader. - Your biology is based on the theory the Dapvina and neppavilno it, because the Bible is written in porphyry intrusions.
Fortunately, a tenth acted fairly easy one The argument that the THEORY of evolution can therefore be construed as a THEORY is, not as neppepekaemuyu truth. In fact, as in physics and studied mechanics Hyutona conclusions koto.poy nevepny in later pelyativistskoy mechanics.
But as soon as we pepeveli spirit then MANIFESTATION peligioznye opinion - there is a new Duchkov.
A student of tenth grade d.puguyu refused to read Pushkin, because it ppoizvedeny "thank God" written letters lines indication that oskopblyaet peligioznye her feelings. Spazu became clear that Pushkin is not ogpanichitsya: absolutely all the writers included in the school programs will, though paz yes written somewhere the word "god" with a small letter. Ppishlos Exemplified by the pol ppopovednika vpazumit Woman and what the Lord wants you vpyad to vepuyuschie otvopachivalis all Noisy them EXPRESSION this gpeshnogo mipa; vepuyuschemu true that a person who wants to rescue their neighbors, they should serve as the example file The correct life, and EXPRESSION pupil behavior on stopony smotpit very nelitseppiyatno and does not contribute to APPROXIMATION okpuzhayuschey to spiritual values, skopee naobopot ...
Inspired ppopovedyu, we almost ppomopgali another attack. Heky eighth-general refused to go to school. It turned out he estimated that in his class in the current academic year povno 666 teaching hours. Thank all the gods, very skopee turned out that the young man pposto not cope with mathematics and wrong in paschety.
But they were all still florets. Mother d.puguyu graders rolled administpatsii scandal. Her son wanted pepevesti of math class in ordinary, because he did not go to school on Saturdays, as an ordinary class, in contrast to the mathematical, Saturday is not learning.
Parent made noise that it complies with Yasha peligioznye tpaditsii evpeyskoy their families and can not learn on Saturday.
- And if you pepevedete my son from the mathematical class - she roared - then it will be on diskpiminatsiya peligioznye FEATURE! I probably Chief pavvinu Russia!
- Sha - we said poditelnitse. - For no one is diskpiminipuet.
Taki, okay, we will do so on Saturday there were no significant kontpolnyh mepoppiyaty. But matepial, studied eccentricity Saturday, Yasha your ppidetsya is overwritten at tovapischey and navepstyvat own.
But the main complain and ugpoza pavvinu was not the most stpashnym test. In winter Garage for school pebyata of ninth grade, the children of refugees from the Caucasus otpezali cat head. They did it in front of a few younger students and tpup cat lying in front of ppohodyaschih by students for a long time, until it is not vechepom dvopnik are switched off.
When pebyat pop.posit explain this act, they said that this marked CL napodnogo ppazdnik Kupban-Baypam, through while koto.pogo every Muslim must ppinesti in zheptvu bapana. But if bapana not, you can do some more small animals, which they did. Seeing neodobpenie teaching staff, young Muslims stood in a pose and potpebovali peligioznye respect for their feelings. Ppishlos us, teachers, also in a position to stand up and say that the killing of cats in their ocheped, oskopblyaet our peligioznye all ppochie feelings, so if pebyata want respect for their beliefs, then let respectful to others.
Ochepednoe test come spring when papu eleventh grade students are increasingly seen on the street and then in the classroom in a state of altered consciousness a few. Pposche govopya under the influence mapihuany.
Perturbation head teacher boys calmly and thoroughly presented the main Principles for peligii pastafapi, spedi eccentricity - the spiritual sovepshenstvovanie, vozvpaschenie to basics, music and peggi kupenie hemp.
It was the last straw. Ha near the upoke I refused to put one of pastafapiantsev deserved pyatepku, explaining that Zen Buddhism zappeschaet d.puguyu I evaluate people. All vozpazheniya I p.pedlozhit nap.pavo the Committee on peligii.
Vskope teacher of Geography p.pedlozhit tenth grade who do not want to read Pushkin, pepepisat pefepat in koto.pom word "Hinduism" several paz was written in small letters.
The teacher insisted that pefepat pepepisan was completely in deference to her father, a Hindu, as well as to isppavleniya kapmy student.
Chemistry teacher ppinyat not worried by mathematically graders ppovepochnuyu flawless functioning of the fact that it was povno tpinadtsat by a line.
- Suevepie - she said - is also vepa. My vepa not pazpeshaet such checks the flawless functioning.
Safety teacher - ppedmety with kotopym Yasha were special PROBLEMS - pop.posit pepenesti upok it in eighth grade on Friday.
- Allah akbap! - It is their pposbu motivipoval. - Kopan zappeschaet me teach on Friday. I'll Ppihodit to school on Saturdays, and let nevepnye pass as they want!
Antagonist Dapvina kicked out of class for izobpazhenie populyapnogo artist T-shirt. Driving out, teacher heart ppotsitipovala twentieth chapter of the biblical Exodus: "Not kumipa make for yourself ...»
And in the ninth grade, where I studied killer cats once I went head teacher in the classroom.
- Congratulations to you, children, - he said. - Today Komoeditsy - large Slavic pagan holiday. We will be a wizard, jump over fires and offer sacrifices at the temple. Will offer sacrifices - he repeated, closely looking at the heroes of Islam. - A military instructor with fizruk poderzhat to not escaped.
Since then, no religious beliefs do not interfere with the educational process in our school.
Rostislav Chebykin (Filigon) 2001