Topically. Yellow phosphorus.
8 tragic ph
On Monday, July 16 at 16:55 in the Busk district, Lviv region of Ukraine on the stretch of the Red-waiting derailed and overturned 15 tanks with yellow phosphorus freight train №2005. In total, there were 58 cars. Tanks followed with the Kazakh station Asa (Zhambyl, Kazakhstan) to the station Oklesa (Poland). The leak phosphorus from one tank provoked spontaneous combustion six other tanks.
However, troubles were not over. Extinguishing the fire formed a cloud of combustion products from the area of defeat about 90 square kilometers. In this area proved to be 14 settlements Busk district, home to 11 thousand people, as well as separate territories and Radehivskogo Brodivskogo districts. Ministry of Ukraine offered to residents of nearby villages to be evacuated and sent them to about ten buses, but many people refused to leave their homes. Lviv authorities have assured that no one is forced to evacuate will not, though warned of unpredictable consequences of the accident. Total per night from 6 settlements Busk district temporarily resettled about 800 residents.
By Tuesday, there were 20 people injured (6 experts MOE, 2 representatives of the Ministry of Interior, 2 Railroad and 10 individuals from the local population), 13 of them in the heavy and medium-serious condition were admitted to the Military Medical Clinical Centre Western Operational Command in Lvov. Seven hospitalized - MOE workers, two - employees of traffic police, four of them - the locals.
In general, yellow phosphorus, which faced the rescuers and residents of Lviv region, it is the same white phosphorus, with the addition of technical impurity. It silnoyadovitoe, flammable crystalline substance from light yellow to dark brown. In the water, it does not dissolve, easily oxidized in air and ignites spontaneously. Lit with the release of dense white smoke. A lit phosphorus easily extinguished with water, but, again, produces a toxic gas. To avoid a spontaneous combustion of yellow phosphorus is stored and transported under a layer of water (calcium chloride solution). For the transport of phosphorus use special tanks in which nothing else can not be transported. A lethal dose of yellow phosphorus is only a tenth of a gram. Toxic causes damage to bone marrow necrosis of the jaw.
On Monday, July 16 at 16:55 in the Busk district, Lviv region of Ukraine on the stretch of the Red-waiting derailed and overturned 15 tanks with yellow phosphorus freight train №2005. In total, there were 58 cars. Tanks followed with the Kazakh station Asa (Zhambyl, Kazakhstan) to the station Oklesa (Poland). The leak phosphorus from one tank provoked spontaneous combustion six other tanks.

However, troubles were not over. Extinguishing the fire formed a cloud of combustion products from the area of defeat about 90 square kilometers. In this area proved to be 14 settlements Busk district, home to 11 thousand people, as well as separate territories and Radehivskogo Brodivskogo districts. Ministry of Ukraine offered to residents of nearby villages to be evacuated and sent them to about ten buses, but many people refused to leave their homes. Lviv authorities have assured that no one is forced to evacuate will not, though warned of unpredictable consequences of the accident. Total per night from 6 settlements Busk district temporarily resettled about 800 residents.

By Tuesday, there were 20 people injured (6 experts MOE, 2 representatives of the Ministry of Interior, 2 Railroad and 10 individuals from the local population), 13 of them in the heavy and medium-serious condition were admitted to the Military Medical Clinical Centre Western Operational Command in Lvov. Seven hospitalized - MOE workers, two - employees of traffic police, four of them - the locals.

In general, yellow phosphorus, which faced the rescuers and residents of Lviv region, it is the same white phosphorus, with the addition of technical impurity. It silnoyadovitoe, flammable crystalline substance from light yellow to dark brown. In the water, it does not dissolve, easily oxidized in air and ignites spontaneously. Lit with the release of dense white smoke. A lit phosphorus easily extinguished with water, but, again, produces a toxic gas. To avoid a spontaneous combustion of yellow phosphorus is stored and transported under a layer of water (calcium chloride solution). For the transport of phosphorus use special tanks in which nothing else can not be transported. A lethal dose of yellow phosphorus is only a tenth of a gram. Toxic causes damage to bone marrow necrosis of the jaw.




