The effect of thought on water has been measured

Scientific knowledge, which man accepts as truth, often changed so much that sometimes becomes proud of just nothing. To bring water. In the nineteenth century was considered. that water is just a chemical element not a molecular compound, but a simple element – water. It turned out that this molecule is H2O. The majority still thinks so. But in 1932 it became clear that in addition to normal water, there is a so-called “heavy” water. At present, there are 135 isotopic species, which we used to call the word “water”.
Recently, various experimenters conduct deep and comprehensive research associated with water. Stanislav Zenin (candidate chemical and philosophical Sciences, leading research, etc., etc.) along with a group of like-minded discovered the ability of water to form stable hydrogen bonds and super-stable engineering structural elements – clathrates – under certain conditions.
The geometric shape of these structural elements are always the same, and exhibited the properties are very diverse: they pass through the water current — they form one piece, changing the pressure of clathrates immediately produce the redeployment, begin to play with the light — elements given a new picture. His team managed to create a device that registers the influence of mental images on the water condition.
For several years the pioneers were subjected to attacks of the so-called “academics” claiming that it can't be, because it may be Nicodemus. And only after some time, when foreign scientists shared with the international community similar observations, the attacks stopped and the “academics” has decided to do business, not performances, and to explore an open phenomenon.
Zenin says that the fluid properties can affect virtually any impact, and it opens for us new perspectives. For example, in aqueous shirts around a nuclear reactor spinning a huge amount of water — if slightly change its viscosity, the energy consumption for this water carousel will decrease sharply. In Germany have started to produce “limitirovanie water” — liquid that is missed through weightlessness.
In addition it was found that the structure of water in a man as individual as fingerprints. It determines the state and quality of the blood, and also affects the redox processes, determining the specificity of each body. It is possible that after some time about the pathological changes in the human body can be judged by the condition of water clathrates. Comparing the structure of water with the original matrix (water imprint obtained at birth), it is possible to detect differences in “water illustration” and make the necessary and highly individual changes.
Group Zenina has created a device that is responsive to changes in the structure of water. And it turned out that the fluid properties affects even mental effects. For example, if we imagine that the distilled water in the test tube was salt — then it changes its properties. Or, instead of water in the test tube soda — the device detects another clathrate restructuring. And the more authentic, more colorful, and looks bigger mental picture, the stronger changes occur in the structure of water. This device was able to measure the “strength of opinion”: if the arrow moves away from zero — then, the fantasy of effective, if not – then no influence occurs. The experiments revealed that different mental setup gives the contents of the tube are completely different properties.
This water test was subjected was subjected to 250 professional psychics. Do extraordinary abilities — with a crazy over-scale instrument of the arrows — shown only seven. A significant result was demonstrated by one participant of the experiment, the modified conductivity at 7000 microamperes!
In addition, the experiment was carried out at the remote effects of thought forms on water. Study participant worked on a prototype exhibited at the Department faculty for tens of kilometers from it. According to him, he gave the water a “negative program”, and biologists launched in ciliates. Unlike the control group who behaved as usual in the next test tube, these lived for a couple of seconds. The experts of the faculty stated cell lysis — destruction of cell membranes.
Zenin calls the processes the term “information relay”. In his view, space has the same structural properties as that of water.
“Cerebral impulses purposefully fantasizing of a man creating a kind of mental self — replicating matrix of an image is sequentially clones himself. And at once in all directions and regardless of the distance.
The formation of water clathrates is based on the same principle of relaying. It is necessary to change the configuration of one, as here, changing the whole chain. But if the water is this Domino effect affects the structural elements, the space — some less tangible and yet unknown particles.
Source: www.quantumcristal.com