"A coward invented the safety technique." 10 crazy photos

Where only does a person lead an active fantasy - whether it is about repair, transportation of things or an unforgettable party. Below are real illustrations of bad ideas that you should not repeat yourself. I wonder if the characters in these photos thought they were doing something wrong? "Saw" thriller

"Hello, Tree"

Why not? They have rubber flippers!

They're hanging the air conditioner. Or torture a witness?

How many devices do you need to screw in a light bulb?

A sharp turn and a skid? Let's not talk about it.

Alternative: to conduct the exhaust pipe inside the cabin.

The roadway and passing: everyone should be on wheels!

“Cursed be the day I sat at the lamb of that vacuum cleaner!”

It's one thing to ride a monster truck. And quite another – ride a monster-truck (without losing it on the road).


Source: /users/1077


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