Honey-aspirin mask for perfect skin

To make a honey-aspirin mask better in a day, although some do it every day for many months.
Many consider it one of the best masks of those that they tried. A week later you should see the gorgeous effect, the skin will be updated and aligned. Disappear inflammation. Pores will be cleaner, the black dots will disappear.Recipe honey-aspirinova will mastitorrents two small aspirin tablets. But we need not that effervescent aspirin, which throw in a glass of water and it dissolves there, and ordinary aspirin. A little bit of honey. To aspirin was granulirovanija need a few drops of water.
A few drops of water to drip on the aspirin, wait for 20 seconds to granulirovaniya. Add a teaspoon of honey.
The mask is applied for 10 min. After this time, with the aid of rotational movements use the dried mask as a scrub. Then rinse. Then moisturize anything skin, homemade cream or vegetable oil.
In the eye area is very delicate skin, so do not apply the mask there.
A couple of months of using the mask the skin will change significantly. It should be absolutely smooth and without inflammation.
May you all have clear skin. Many have already achieved with this mask good results.
Source: lubim-zhizn.ru/
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