How to choose the right employees for a startup
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Hiring your first employee is a difficult task for a novice businessman. On the one hand, the employee should be smart, compelling, skilled, hard-working, responsible and independent, and with another — all that you can offer him a long — term perspective. How to act in this situation, said the founder of the Digital Agency HR Ekaterina Gavrilova.
Consult konkurentami hiring employees is very important to have a large number of friends in the field you want to work with. This will increase the probability of joining the strongest candidates. But not all budding entrepreneurs can boast of connections. It is fixable — just need to organize meetings with those who are already working in the market. To do this is to attend professional events which have been organised FRÍA, Dream Industries, StartupWoman and others. Many successful leaders and entrepreneurs open to advice, they can recommend a trusted expert and will explain where to look.
Let's sadakichi your team should be able to find a way out of difficult situations.
To reveal this quality, don't be afraid to give a logical and mathematical puzzles for interviews. If he does not know the answer, do not worry. But once you let the answer, give him a task with a similar method of solution. If you can manage, then the applicant can use the acquired knowledge.
Otzivite skepticon the start the company needs not just an independent person, and summatively. Success depends on how the candidate relates to the idea of your business. If he believes in it, then it will be easier to motivate yourself and work 110%. If the candidate is skeptical even after your heartfelt story, let him go. Very often, the skepticism turns into eternal dissatisfaction.
It is still very important to take into account the psychological compatibility. Remember that you will see a person for ten hours a day. Irritating people it is better to release to the world.
Don't promise easy iznenaditi honest, explain that working in a startup is not sugar. Just say that sometimes you have to sit at work for twelve hours. Several times repeat that privileges first you will have to wait only three years later, when the company get back on my feet. People willing to live in such a rhythm, a little, but you just are. Immediately weed out unsuitable in this parameter will help the age limit to twenty-seven or, say, thirty-five years. As a rule, such people have priority in the career, not the family.
Check recommendationsare world as the rule of recruitment can often be ignored, although it helps to avoid serious mistakes. Some think that you can see right through people. This approach gives a chance for weak candidates, because they, too, are charming. Take the time to call past employers. Even a couple minutes on the phone will help you make the right choice.
Don't be afraid to take those who starset, I realized on my own experience. When our company first opened, I was twenty-two, and I hesitated to take on the work of subordinates older than themselves. In the end, I scored very young people, and it was time to share his experience. Now no such problems, everyone we hired has grown into a beautiful professionals. But in some types of businesses don't have time to wait for this growth.
Avoid drugsarebad with friends or relatives — it is almost a lottery. There are examples of companies where this has worked, for example, Topdelivery or Coub. But there are plenty of opposite examples. If your friend or relative willing to take your dominant position, it is likely that everything will be okay. If not, he will be a valuable asset, and relationships can deteriorate. But after years of joint work colleagues often become best friends.
Arrange a test nichelatura know that interviews are often not very significant when choosing the right person. Even successfully completed the test task does not guarantee. It is best to agree with the candidate on the test day. Can last even one. You will immediately see a man in battle, how he thinks, what he managed to do for the day. At the start, everything happens very quickly, so soak up the information instantly. Guard, if the day the person is going to study the information about the product, he had to do it before he came to the interview.
source: theoryandpractice.ru
Source: /users/1077
Hiring your first employee is a difficult task for a novice businessman. On the one hand, the employee should be smart, compelling, skilled, hard-working, responsible and independent, and with another — all that you can offer him a long — term perspective. How to act in this situation, said the founder of the Digital Agency HR Ekaterina Gavrilova.
Consult konkurentami hiring employees is very important to have a large number of friends in the field you want to work with. This will increase the probability of joining the strongest candidates. But not all budding entrepreneurs can boast of connections. It is fixable — just need to organize meetings with those who are already working in the market. To do this is to attend professional events which have been organised FRÍA, Dream Industries, StartupWoman and others. Many successful leaders and entrepreneurs open to advice, they can recommend a trusted expert and will explain where to look.
Let's sadakichi your team should be able to find a way out of difficult situations.
To reveal this quality, don't be afraid to give a logical and mathematical puzzles for interviews. If he does not know the answer, do not worry. But once you let the answer, give him a task with a similar method of solution. If you can manage, then the applicant can use the acquired knowledge.
Otzivite skepticon the start the company needs not just an independent person, and summatively. Success depends on how the candidate relates to the idea of your business. If he believes in it, then it will be easier to motivate yourself and work 110%. If the candidate is skeptical even after your heartfelt story, let him go. Very often, the skepticism turns into eternal dissatisfaction.
It is still very important to take into account the psychological compatibility. Remember that you will see a person for ten hours a day. Irritating people it is better to release to the world.
Don't promise easy iznenaditi honest, explain that working in a startup is not sugar. Just say that sometimes you have to sit at work for twelve hours. Several times repeat that privileges first you will have to wait only three years later, when the company get back on my feet. People willing to live in such a rhythm, a little, but you just are. Immediately weed out unsuitable in this parameter will help the age limit to twenty-seven or, say, thirty-five years. As a rule, such people have priority in the career, not the family.
Check recommendationsare world as the rule of recruitment can often be ignored, although it helps to avoid serious mistakes. Some think that you can see right through people. This approach gives a chance for weak candidates, because they, too, are charming. Take the time to call past employers. Even a couple minutes on the phone will help you make the right choice.
Don't be afraid to take those who starset, I realized on my own experience. When our company first opened, I was twenty-two, and I hesitated to take on the work of subordinates older than themselves. In the end, I scored very young people, and it was time to share his experience. Now no such problems, everyone we hired has grown into a beautiful professionals. But in some types of businesses don't have time to wait for this growth.
Avoid drugsarebad with friends or relatives — it is almost a lottery. There are examples of companies where this has worked, for example, Topdelivery or Coub. But there are plenty of opposite examples. If your friend or relative willing to take your dominant position, it is likely that everything will be okay. If not, he will be a valuable asset, and relationships can deteriorate. But after years of joint work colleagues often become best friends.
Arrange a test nichelatura know that interviews are often not very significant when choosing the right person. Even successfully completed the test task does not guarantee. It is best to agree with the candidate on the test day. Can last even one. You will immediately see a man in battle, how he thinks, what he managed to do for the day. At the start, everything happens very quickly, so soak up the information instantly. Guard, if the day the person is going to study the information about the product, he had to do it before he came to the interview.
source: theoryandpractice.ru
Source: /users/1077